Set alessi part 2

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"Chariot!" Polnareff summoned his stand, the miniature version managing to hold off Alessi's axe; but it was only for a moment as the axe was overpower by Alessi. Silver Chariot held its own for a moment, maybe a few seconds if he was lucky.

The axe's blade was forced downward, the sharpness of the blade embedding itself into Polnareff's wrist. Polnareff cried out in pain, holding his wrist tightly to prevent any blood from escaping. "T-There's no way I can overpower him.." Polnareff observed his eyes widening when he realized the friendly woman was no longer there any longer. "Where'd that lady go? She's not here anymore.. But she was a second ago! Where did she go?!" He questioned himself, Alessi noticing the Polnareff's mind was someone else.

"Polnareff.." Alessi grabbed Polnareff by his head, the frenchman.. Well french boy flailed in his arms as Alessi gripped the lad harder. "You were whining about some shampoo being in your eyes, If it stings that badly.. Then let's wash it all out!" Alessi brought Polnareff over to the bathtub with a smirk across his face. Without a moment's hesitation Alessi slammed Polnareff's body into the cold water.

Polnareff immediately felt the impact of the water, his lungs filling up with water instead of the air he desperately needed. "I'm just a kid.. I can't reach his arms even though I tried! If only I was an adult.. I could poke out his eyes and get the hell away from him!" He grimaced, wishing he wasn't so stupid to have fallen or this man's trap.

The child's hand waved around the bath tubs bottom for the plug. Good thinking.Fortunately for his quick thinking, Polnareff found it. "Found the plug? You little shit! But here's the catch.." Alessi paused, his hand grabbing a hold of Polnareff's cheeks as he literally dragged him to where the drain was. His hair ended up being sucked in, the multitude of strands acting as a makeshift plug. "You'll drown any minute now, that's if the tub takes long to fully drain! It'll drown you in ten.. Maybe 7 seconds.. Hopefully! Can you hold your breath for that long?!" Alessi seemed to question, yet he had no intention of Polnareff giving him an answer, he's going to die after all. Death by drowning.. It's common, but in a bathtub?

Alessi's fingers tightened around Polnareff's neck. " I'm feeling a bit nice, so why don't I speed up your death for you? Don't you feel it. This.. this is what despair feels like!" Alessi watched as Polnareff's face softened before it turned into a smile, unbeknownst to old man Alessi, a strange brown thing hit Alessi's arm, "What the hell is this?!" He seemed to question, letting something process in his messed up head. "Wait a minute, the shape... the color... You didn't!" Alessi's eyes widened. No adult is that shameless they'd do that!"

In disbelief, Alessi unknowingly loosened his grip, Polnareff using this moment to shoot his leg upward, his feces landing on Alessi's nose. "This smell! That confirms it.." Alessi let go of Polnareff. "Disgusting! You actually did! How awful can you be?!" Alessi wailed loudly, the man in question trying to get the disgusting thing off him.
Polnareff emerged, gasping for air as it was restored to his lungs."You're one to talk, you bastard!" He stuck his tongue out rather childishly.. Oh right.. He is a child. "Even if I couldn't use my arms or my legs, you allowed me to use one limb!"

"How could you be this gross, even for a kid! Isn't there any decency in you?! The thought shouldn't have ever crossed your mind!" Alessi screamed loudly. "That's bad, bad, Bad!" Alessi scolded Polnareff as if he was a dog.

"Shut up! Where's that lady? What did you do with her? Where are you?!" Polnareff leapt out the tub. While in the hallway, Polnareff felt a chill as a fresh breeze hit his body. "Lady! Where are you?! Lady!" He screamed out as he called to the lady, but she wasn't there. It was almost as she just disappeared out of the blue.

Alessi crossed his arms, a sinister smile planted on his age stricken face, "What do you think I did, you little shit?" Alessi uncrossed his arms as Polanreff reentered the bathroom. "Whoa there, big guy! Watch where you step or else you might kill that woman you care about so much about. Alessi tilted his head toward the dress she wore.

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