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different this time and do a POV from Kakyoins Perspective. Italics are for her POV this is just for judgment. Also this episode besides basset of mariah was my least favorite so i hope you dont mind a small Jotakak bonding moment.

As we sailed along the water I looked out to the sea. It was a beautiful crystal blue. Terrifying yet serene. With great uncertainty I looked away from it and yet found myself staring at it once again. Strangely I was at peace. Only when Mr. Joestar and the others left the boat my trance was broken.

Polnareff was beside me asking me a question. "Hey now, does someone actually live here or?" He paused for a moment until I replied. "It's such a tiny island and it looks deserted." "Yes Mr. Joestar does he really live here?" The older Joestar responded saying he lives here by myself. For a moment, I was confused until he clarified my worries with a few simple words. "That's what he told me back in India." He stated. "What? Indian curry?" The Frenchman asked, clearly his mind was somewhere else, yet I don't blame him.

Jotaro felt a presence watching him, as he turned his head towards the side, a sharp pair of eyes were watching him through the leaves. "Hey, someone's watching us from the grass over there." Jotaro spoke, catching the attention from everyone as they looked at what he was gesturing to.. "He's running away!" Polnareff exclaimed as he chased after the man Me and the others following behind him. "From behind he looks so familiar!" I spoke aloud, yes, I knew that hairstyle from anywhere.

We ran towards a small hut, the strange man began to feed chickens as he spoke to them. "Come now are you hungry Michael? Prince? I kept the nutritional balance the same and mixed in the shells you love too. There's more over here. Get nice and fat so you'll be a tasty chicken, Lionel." "That man! I can't be!" I exclaimed. Polnareff was about to run to him but Mr. Joestar's hand stopped him. "Hold it! I'll go talk to him. All of you, wait here." He spoke, the man in question never looking up.

"My name is Joseph Joestar. I'm traveling to Egypt with these three-" He was sharply cut off by the stranger. "Go away! I won't hear it! Don't talk to me! No one comes to see me with good news! It's only when bad things happen! I don't want to hear it! Go away!" The man turned around to the group. He really did resemble Avdol but the only thing was he seemed older, much older than the man we all knew. There was a small goatee on his chin and gray hair with the absurd choice of clothes, so strange indeed. "Mr Avdol!" Polnareff shouted out, hoping desperately it was the man he loved. Yet to no avail the man turned around as he slammed the door shut.

"That man is Avdol's father. He left this world behind, and lives alone on this island. I didn't tell any of you about this because if Dio were to find out that we stopped here, the peace of Avdol's father that he enjoys here could be compromised. I didn't want to let that happen. But telling him about his son's death won't be easy to do." Polnareff remembers his death in his mind still fresh, clear as day. Not once has Mr.Avdol left his memory. The oldest put his hands on his shoulder comforting him saying it wasn't his fault. "No, it's my responsibility. I have to carry that." The silver haired man spoke quietly. Silence fell over the group as I looked at Jotaro, his face stern.

Hoping to brighten the situation a bit I spoke aloud "Is his father a stand user as well?" I wondered. "Yes, but I don't know what sort of stand it is." Mr Joseph replied. "Given how his father has treated us, it's hard to imagine he'll help us." I folded my arms looking towards the side.

"Leave this up to me. I'll try talking to his father." Joseph responds. Polnareff with a heavy heart began to walk away towards the sea Jotaros gaze never leaving him.

I sighed, but as soon as he left Mr.Joestar motioned from us to come inside the hut. Following him inside, I saw the older man but this time he wasn't the same as before. "Sorry about that earlier. I had to make it seem as if I was " My father".Avdol apologized, yet he still felt bad about Polnareff but I knew he would go look for him later. They began to talk for a while as I decided to go outside towards the sea, where I felt at peace.

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