A star is born

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Friday. December 18th, 1992- Miami, Florida

A pile of papers were stacked on the dark oak desk, 2 framed photographs standing upright by a bright lamp. The clock on a wall was ticking loudly, its monotonous ticking filling the quiet study room..

A man sat in a black leather chair, his body slightly hunched as his eyes were glued to the computer screen.

Jotaro Kujo, age 20. An aspiring marine biologist. At the age of 17 he graduated highschool, and soon after he went on to study at the most prestigious college in Japan. The university of Tokyo. After choosing a course dedicated for marine biology he deeply immersed himself in the assignments, sleepless nights, and the study of each creature.

It didn't take long for the University of Miami to notice his incredible academic potential. Moving from Tokyo all the way to the U.S was a big change, not to mention there was a little bit of a language barrier. But over the two years he's lived in the state of Florida, he grew accustomed to it. Plus he had a bit of help.

Shifting his gaze from the computer screen to the calendar, he analyzed his upcoming schedule. Throughout the week he only attended physical class on campus twice, the other days leaving enough time for him to finish documents, continuous research, etc. Besides, the best thing of all, was the wonderful comforts of home..

Even in the late hours of the night, he continued to work. Knowing his reward would be a few days off and not having to worry about another assignment piled up on him. The dark circles under his eyes were enough evidence from his lack of sleep, but despite his fatigue, he continued to work endlessly on his paper.

Christmas break was going to start Tomorrow, and he wanted to enjoy it fully with his wife. Yes his wife.

Noriko Kakyoin, Well Noriko Kujo. His lovely wife who he absolutely adored more than anything else. At the age of 18, he wanted to marry her, though it would have been deemed as a bad decision from any other adult, he didn't care. Besides, even his own mother supported him on his decision, Joseph and Caesar included.

When she turned 17 he asked her to Marry him,and her answer brought him such happiness that he hadn't felt in years. In that moment he felt his heart would burst, perhaps into hundreds upon hundreds of fragments. She accepted and they were engaged.

The ceremony was traditional and small, the people invited were their family members and closest friends. Polnareff, Avdol, the Stardust crusaders were reunited to celebrate their wedding. He couldn't even fathom how pretty she looked in her Shiro- muku. The white kimono she wore looked absolutely beautiful on her. The color brought out her red hair as it was gorgeously placed in an updo of her wavy curls.

He promised himself he wouldn't cry but when he saw her those happy tears left his eyes by the multitude. But before anyone could see them he wiped them away, Kakyoin smiling at him as they both looked at each other.

She was absolutely amazing, and he loved having her in his life. Even on the nights he was absolutely tired he fell asleep on his desk. When the sun Rose over the horizon he always woke up with a blanket on his shoulders and a small cup of coffee that was freshly made just for him. He just knew that it was from his beloved wife.

Seeing that he had become distracted, he blinked a few times before rubbing his tired eyes.
"Just 2 more pages." He whispered to himself, the man typing away at the keyboard once more. The faint knock from the door stopped his work all together, a small smile appearing on his face.

"I'm in here." He softly said as he turned his gaze towards the now opened door. "Jotaro, Honey it's getting late, please come to bed." His wife Noriko coaxed him, her creme maternity pajamas showing the obvious baby bump. He sighed, his hand going through his hair. "I have a little more to go, it won't take me long." He responded as Noriko gave him a kiss. "Please?" She begged, a small pout on her face as he heard the small pitter of Iggys paws down the hallway.

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