Its the end of the world

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Joseph Joestars laid along the sidewalk, his body completely unresponsive.

Dio was beside him fully healed of his injuries. His blonde-yellow hair was spiked upwards as if one was shocked by electricity, his lips were a dark shade of green, his orbs dilated as one would be on a high. The insane look on his face was enough to send a chill down anyone's spine, whatever amount of sanity he had last was gone.

Three quarter sized holes were in Joseph's neck, trickles of blood dripping from each wound.

"I see Joseph's blood suits me well... it suits this body so perfectly. My strength is recovering faster than ever before! It suits me. It truly suits me!" Dio laughs maniacally, with his sharp nails he began to scratch his own face, the flesh ripping from his own infliction. Heavy droplets of blood dropped onto the pavement below, white concrete stained red.

Because of his sudden power boost, The skin surrounding the wound began to heal instantly; then only a few seconds after a full recovery was made.

"This body used to belong to Jonathan Joestar. The blood I just drank was from his grandson, Joseph! And the one who let me make it this far was you, Jotaro!" He screamed out at him, his finger pointed at him. The irony of it all. The body of Jonathan Joestar, now Dios. His sudden boost of power from his own grandson, no.. the blood of his own grandson.

Jotaro witnessed the scene before him, he let him die. Because of his ignorance he couldn't think straight. He was so focused on kicking Dios ass: that he couldn't see through his plan. The only thing that would remain of the Joestar blood lineage would be their names on a gravestone.

"The Joestar bloodline was mere dog shit on the road that led to my destiny, just something lying in my way. But in the end, it appears that You Joestars were only my tools for my personal gain." He laughs as Jotaro inches closer to him, deep rage seething from his person.

Dio continuously laughed aloud in Victory, he deeply believed he had triumphed over him. While he was so focused on his so-called victory, a bright yellow cloud rose from the older man's lifeless body. Jotaro's eyes widened in disbelief, he almost thought it was an illusion from sheer exhaustion.

From the waist down it was a bright orange cloud, it almost resembled a genie in a way. From above was the form of his deceased grandfather. A shining light opened from the sky, it's heavenly warmth embracing the two Joestars.

"Old man?" Jotaro called out to his Grandfather, a look of disbelief and sadness hidden in his atlantic eyes. Joseph Joestar Tilt his hat down, a trait Jotaro picked up as a boy. Joseph's age stricken face gave the raven haired male a sad smile.
"No matter what Dio is about to do to my body below, you must never get enraged and lose your control. I ask that... you not worry about me anymore. This happened because it had to happen." He paused, hoping to let his warning sink in Jotaros mind.

"Is this the old man's soul?" Jotaro wondered aloud, the delinquent completely ignoring everything around him.. Including Dio.

"Kakyoin had solved the mystery of his stand, resulting in the cost of her life. I'm glad i relayed her message to you." He paused in remembrance for the red haired teen, Jotaro clenching his fist.

"You know. If we all decided to fight him at once, we would've all perished instantly; Perhaps within the blink of an eye." He seemed to let out a small chuckle, though it was masked with pain. "You have the ability to move within stopped time, just like Dio. You have two or three seconds now, use that time wisely. No matter what that damn vampire does you mustn't get angry. If you fly to him without thinking, striking first, you'll only put yourself in a bad situation.."

"You know These 50 days were really fun." He looked away, the fragments of the clouds disappearing as the light from above accepted his soul.

Silence passed, he didn't know how long it was until he spoke again. "What.. what was that? Was I seeing things?" He continued looking towards the sky, his heart and mind plagued.

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