Anubis part 2

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Noticing that his fellow stand users were fast asleep, he panicked not wanting to make any noise in fear that the blade will slice through. " what should I do?" The Frenchman thought to himself, beads of sweat appearing on the sides of his face.

"Die!" The barber screamed out. "I'll shave your chin right off!" Just as he was about to act on his cruel intention, Polnareff Lowered his seat, the barber slicing his own torso. Kakyoin woke up with a start and the sound of the noise Jotaro followed in tow.

"What the hell are you! And? Aren't you the owner of this place!?" Polnareff questioned, The barber released the sword from his torso, his blood spilling out on the wooden floor below. Within his hand, the sword glowed it's purple aura once again. "This all too familiar to the Frenchman. "Could it be.... Sword? The sword is actually the stand, and it controls the wielder? Polnareff wondered aloud, the barber quickly readying himself in position. The barber went in to attack him, smirking as he kicked the desk towards him to further give himself more time to arm himself. Chariot manifested in front of Polnareff, his rapier protecting it's user from the possible slash of the sword.

"No matter how many times you try, you're still no match for me!" Polnareff beamed confidently. The man pushed further back, his sword grazing chariots helmet; in return a small gash transferring itself to the user. "The power in this sword..." Polnareff struggled to let the words leave his mouth, his blood blocking a bit of his vision. "After last time, I memorized your chariot's moves and powers! I'll never lose to someone... I've fought before!


From another location of the city, Joseph and Avdol began to tease the poor dog who desperately wanted a piece of gum. "Come on now! Come on you almost got it!" Joseph waved the gum up in the air. Oh!?" Joseph seemed to wonder what the little menace was up to next, yet he did not perceive the little dog farting. The disgusting cloud making way to his face as he covered his nose. Avdol starred out from the window, a serious gaze upon his face. "Polnareff, Jotaro, and kakyoin seem to be taking a while." He quietly observed. "I hope that idiot's alright." He whispered under his breath

Back by the barber shop, the idiot in question was having a struggle with his opponent. "Polnareff, what's... Who is that?" Jotaro stood up from his seat, the man himself noticing they were in a bit of a pinch. "I can't see what's happening, but I can tell he's attacking you. Why?!" Kakyoin wondered, a nervous look appearing on her face. "Stay back you two! The sword is a stand. It'd be pretty dangerous for your stands to find it with his bare hands. And he's not the guy who's the real user! He's just a puppet. Not to mention... The stand becomes stronger!" Polnareff briefly explained, his stand landing a firm kick as the barber in question was pushed further back. "You bastard!" He slashed the sword, metal against metal clashing. Chariot's arm began to vibrate, the vibration causing his hand to hurt. "It stings doesn't it!? Anubis questioned.

" Now I've learned just how much punishment you can take too! I wonder if you'll be able to the stand this next attack Polnareff!" Knocking him back with the swing of his sword the mirror shattered around him. "Polnareff!" Jotaro screamed out, his eyes widening in fear.

While the blows of his sword were getting fiercer and fiercer, Polnareff wondered what he could do. "His attacks are getting stronger! I can't.. Hold him back any longer!" Polnareff thought to himself before grabbing a sheet to momentarily block his opponent's vision.

"Take this!" His stand launched his sword attempting to hit his attacker in the neck, the accursed sword blocking it as it landed in the wooden wall. As the sheet fell onto the floor beneath him, Anubis stood proud and tall. "I've learned all of your attack patterns. Once I've fought my opponent before, even if my wielder has changed... No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what! I won't lose!" He threatens, his sword approaching him closer.

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