Epilogue: A day in Morioh

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"Mori, Mori, Mori.. Morioh-cho radio! Morioh-cho radio.. Good morning! Greetings, to everyone. It's Morioh Radio! Coming to you today just like every other day is Kai Harada. It's a wonderful afternoon, not too hot, not too cold.. Just right. Right in our town, don't you think? Today I have the perfect set of tunes to start off the awesome afternoon just right. Here's a fun one, a nice number of some soulful guitar." The voice of an older man blared through the radio, the small little machine resting against the window of a cafe.

It was January 2nd, 1998. The city of Morioh was quiet, along with the bright blue skies with endless clouds. It really was a wonderful afternoon, but it wouldn't stay quiet for long when an overly curious schoolboy pestered a certain man nonstop. "Jotaro, who is this person we're waiting for?" Josuke wondered, though he seemed more focused on keeping his delinquent pompadour in check.

"Oh, Jotaro. Is it someone from the Speedwagon foundation that's bringing Mr. Joestar over?" The raven haired teen just stated, his face showing a sign of interest but he played it off like he wasn't. "No." Jotaro cut short, his hand inside the pocket of his white pants. "Come on give us a hint, we've been waiting here for 10 minutes already!" Josuke whined like a little kid, a pout forming on his face as he crossed his arms. "Josuke, if you're getting impatient you're welcome to leave."

"Nah, I'm good." He sighed, though he stopped when the ringing of a phone was heard. Jotaro looked at his watch, putting the device to his ear as his eyes softened.

"Yeah, around the corner. You brought her?" He asked into the phone, the student looking at him with a confused expression, although Josuke seemed to be enjoying his muffin a little more. He looked to the side briefly, letting a small huff leave his nose. "Ok, see you soon." He smiled, perhaps the most expressive he's ever seen him. He wondered who could be on the other end of the line where even Jotaro, the usual stoic and overly strict person, could crack a smile.

"I don't know, but i've never seen Jotaro smile. It's scary." He whispered, under his breath. For a brief moment there was silence, but the simple clacking of heels against the sidewalk was brought to his attention more than ever. Sure he knows that sound, his mom wears them from time to time, but he didn't think she would be meeting them here. At least in a cafe by the coast of Morioh.

A beautiful young lady, maybe a few years older than him was walking towards their table. Her hair was a bright cherry red, the locks of this miss's hair was placed in a low ponytail but was tightly curled towards the ends. Her eyes the color of the most valuable amethysts, and the small faded lines of what appeared to be scars. Earrings that resembled cherries hung from her ears, through her simple movements the metal swayed from sde to side like a tree in the wind.

Her outfit clearly matched Jotaros, the fitted turtleneck she wore was the color of obsidian, a gold button placed directly in the center of the fold. Her coat was white, the cuffs of the sleeve matching the design of Jotaros, except there were a few cherry broches pinned to the outside of it. Her pencil skirt was even white as well, spotless and without blemish. Even down to the vest, purple but with a light blue anchor print with each spare space. But if that wasn't enough, even the black corset which was only for looks brought out the outfit completely.

"Uh.. Jotaro who's that?" He asked a bit warily, pointing at the young miss who was already by Jotaros side. "My wife." He stated a bit with a bored tone, but it was completely outshown by her bright smile.

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!" He exclaimed quite loudly, the woman chuckling slightly as she noticed Josuke's absolutely, shocked and confused expression. "Ah, you must be Josuke right?" She smiled, the poor man blushing slightly in embarrassment and his past attitude. "Y-Yes, Im Josuke Higashikata!" He bowed, his demeanor turning a complete 360.

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