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The Cairo morning air was light, the wind brushing through the flowers that resided outside the hospital walls. Two men closed the door to the van, one was old and wise beyond his years. Beside him was a raven haired teen, bloodied, bruised and serious.

"You're sure you'll be alright Jotaro?" Joseph asked, the man wondering if he should leave Jotaro by himself. There was no immediate danger, just being alone with your thoughts especially after.. everything wasn't the best choice. "I'm a fine old man, I'm heading inside. Your speedwagon foundation friends most likely are in there, along with Noriko." Jotaro stated as he crushed his lit cigarette.

"Let's see how Polnareff and the others are faring. Last time I checked they're getting some prosthetics like mine." He showed off his metal arm, the delinquent in his younger days wanted one badly.

As Joseph walked towards the sliding doors, so did he. The two wandered around, a few speedwagon Doctors finding them in the hall as they led them to Polnareff and Avdols room. The walls were covered with photos of Nature, it seemed that wherever they turned seemed to be an endless maze.

He was getting a bit agitated, the delinquent tempted to use Star Platinum to punch a wall. But then it would be unnecessary for him to cause a ruckus in a hospital, of all places. Not to mention, it would cause a strain on his injuries. Though, he could care less about them. As the Doctors halted to a stop, they turned to the two as one of them wrote something down a clipboard.

"Here is their room, the only thing I ask is that you mustn't be too loud. Iggy is resting, I am afraid he is a bit grumpy since he is rather sore. That's our only warning, nonetheless you are welcome to enter inside." One of the doctors stated with a small smile, the two exchanging a few words as they left down the hall.

Joseph knocked on the door, the voices that were heard came to a halt. From within Polnareff and Avdol were having a small conversation with one another, the two having to pause after hearing the noise. "I bet you it's Jotaro." Polnareff grinned, the Frenchman sitting up from his hospital bed.

Entering through the door, Polnareff put a fist in the air. "I was right! It was Jo-" He paused seeing the bright red crimson that stained his clothes. "Jotaro, what the hell happened to you?I thought Dio couldn't inflict that much damage on you!" The frenchman exclaimed, his remark earning him a small flick on the forehead from Avdol.

"Hello Mr. Joestar, Jotaro." Avdol smiled briefly, the fortune teller waving his arms slightly. The man was still trying to get used to his metal prosthetics.

"Avdol, I'm happy to see that you're recovering well, how's your prosthetics? And you Polnareff." Joseph queried, the two of them looking at their own limbs. "The technology here is advanced, perhaps much more than any facility or company. I'm very grateful, thank you Mr. Joestar." Avdol set his arms against his side, the frenchman rubbing his forehead.

"They're cool. I feel like a robot a little bit. They're not as badass as Avdol's though." Polnareff pouted his lips, the frenchman sighing a bit as he heard a small growl. "Iggy?" Joseph wondered aloud, underneath a pile of blankets was none other than Iggy. A terribly, grumpy, tired, Iggy.

A small tuft of black and white hair poked out from the pile of blankets, Iggy giving the four of them a small stare. "There's Iggy! Usually i would give him gum but-" Avdol said, the man quickly cut short as the dog stared at him with stars in his eyes. At the mention of gum, Iggy's mouth was drooling with anticipation for his favorite treat. "You have no choice now, Iggy's going to keep staring at you like that unless you give him a piece." Polnareff began to sweat, if he knew that Avdol had hidden it, it would be an absolute meltdown from the dog. He really was spoiled, secretly he blamed Kakyoin for giving him too much.

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