The emporer and the hanged man part 2

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"he's got a strong face yet he died in an instant! It's probably normal to not say goodbye before you die."
Hol horse laughs at the two distressed crusaders, not an ounce of empathy for their fallen friend.

Polnareff could be seen flinching at his words, the man turning around as he looked in his direction. His hands were curled into fits by his side as they shook with fury.

Kakyoin noticing the sudden change called out to the Frenchman in desperation.

"Don't you understand! Mr Avdol told you not to fight by yourself! And yet you ignore that! Do you want to get revenge that badly?! Even en if it meant dying with your enemy?! Mr. Avdol Followed you because thats what worried him, and this is what happened! Let's fall back for now!" She pleaded hoping her words would perece through him.

"Our friend was cruelly stabbed in the back and my sister was killed without resistance. Do you want me to hold this request inside and just run away!?" He asks in shock, his eyes full of sorrow and anger.

"don't fight them we don't even know how their stands work yet!" She proclaimed, her words seeming to have no effect on the man.

"Polnareff slowley come back towards me, we're using that truck to get us out of here!" She motioned for him, the man giving in hesitantly.

The mirror stand appeared, mocking him over and over, each of his vile and cruel words provoking him.

"Your little sister was really cute polnareff, once you reunite with your sister you should ask exactly how I killed her!" He finished speaking , his voice groggy and menacing.

Polnareffs eyes widened as his gaze hardened into one of ice, his stand silver chariot behind him ready to attack.

"You bastard!"

"You can't attack me because I'm in the mirror. HAHAH you're mad?! I bet you're mad. Hey Hol horse fire away at this idiot!" The hanged man announced as he blew off the Frenchman, regarding him as another measly opponent.

"Yes sir!" Hol horse nodded his head, A single bullet left the barrel of the gun as his finger quickly pulled the trigger.

"EMERALD SPLASH!" Emerald like projectiles flew towards polnareff knocking him off his feet, the sound of a cars engine heading towards him.

Kakyoin extends her hand Out to him, the other on the steering wheel. Polnareff seeing this grabbed her hand, the red haired teen pulling him in the truck with as much force as she could; with the assistance of Hierophant of course.

The car was driving away leaving a blank faced Hol horse.

"Kakyoin was it? I was told to stay wary of the lass. Not bad." Hol horse commented his gun aimed at the truck as it drove farther away

"Damn it's out of my range." He simply stated before making the gun disappear. "Doesn't matter really. Centerfold went after them. He must really want to kill that Polnareff guy if he's going that far."

Kakyoin sees Avdols body in the rear view mirror, the teen feeling guilty about leaving the man behind.

"Sorry Kakyoin. I thought I didn't care if idied, as long as I could avenge my sister. But I understand now. I understand how avdol felt. I won't let his feelings go to waste. I'll fight to keep living!" He sniffled as his under eyes became puffy and red from the tears he shed.

His mature response startled Kakyoin. "Do you really understand polnareff." She asks.

"Yeah." He nodded his head. Few seconds later her elbow contradicts with his nose, the firm cartilage breaking as it bled.

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