The devil

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"Hey! You!" A mans loud voice caught the crusaders off guard.

"Yeah you!You threw this trash on the ground didn't you." An officer pointed his finger accusingly at Polnareff, his face stern. Polnareff blinked a couple times, deeply confused about the situation at hand.

"What trash?" He asks the officer with a monotone voice.

"That's a fine of 500 Singapore dollars!" He points to a sign that read "No littering." In bold red words it said; "500$ Fine"

"What.. 500?" The Frenchman repeats the officer, the male scratching his head.

"In Singapore The law says you will be fined for littering!" He announces

" 500 Singapore dollars?" Kakyoin says with a soft voice.

"Thats about 40,000 in yen?" Joesph wonders hoping her converted the currency correctly.

"You got it!?" The officer points down at Polnareffs luggage, the fabric worn and dirty. Polnareff looks down and back at the officer.

Kakyoin covered her mouth to avoid her laughter, Avdol beside her already giving in.

"This 'trash' officer, is my luggage." He neared in closer to the officer, the man visibly paling.

"Right! The officer ran in the opposite direction of the busy street, his quick speed leaving dust clouds behind him.

The group began to laugh aloud, apart from Jotaro who kept a still expression. A few feet away, Anne joined in on the small laughing fit, she quickly stopped as soon as they looked her way.

Kakyoin sent the younger girl a small smile, her eyes squinting a bit from the bright sun.
Anne sat up stretching her back, the younger girl quickly standing by her side.

"Why's the girl still following us?" Polnareff quietly asked the older man beside him.

"Weren't you going to see your father?" Joseph asked.

"Why don't you stop bothering us and get going." Polnareff chimed in as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Im meeting up with him up with him tomorrow. I can go wherever the hell I want, I'm not taking any orders from you jackass!" She turns her head away from the Frenchman, crossing her arms as a small pout formed on her face.

Kakyoin ruffles the girls hair. "Language." She lightly scolds, her kind but gentle demeanor still present.

"We can't just let her roam the city. But she'll be in danger if she still accompanies us. Avdol brought up.

They began to circle up, deciding on what to do with the kid. "She may not have any money, after all she's still a child." Kakyoin suggested.

"That is a possibility.. Well, I suppose paying for her hotel room wouldn't hurt." Joseph shrugged his shoulder, shifting his gaze towards Polnareff.

"Polnareff, don't say anything that'd hurt her pride." Joseph sent him a look.

"Right-o!" He gave an ok sign before crouching a bit to meet her height. "Hey kiddo! You have no money right? Come with us, we'll pay for your room!" Polnareff being the idiot he is, did the absolute opposite of what Joseph told him to do.

Avdol muttered something under his breath as he shook his head from side to side. Kakyoin debated whether to smack him or laugh; in the end she choose both. Her stand appeared from under her skin, the tendril giving the man a hard slap behind the head. His small Yelp made her laugh a bit more, Jotaro who stood beside her tilted his hat down.

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