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"My goodness that looks amazing on you! I've worked here for years but I've never gotten such an odd request for clothes!" A young woman who worked at a tailor shop marveled at Jotaro's handsomeness, observing her work. His request was quite bizarre, it's not everyday that a japanese student came in here wanting a new coat to be made for him, Jotaro nodded his head in confirmation, having been satisfied with the outcome; he held out money to the woman. "I'm in a rush. How much?" He gruffly asked, the tailor women taking it from his hands as he dismissed himself from her presence.

The crew having arrived at an airport; Joseph bought another rental car; their new location for Ja, Pakistan "Cmon Jotaro, I'm sure there's not another stand user around like the last time. We'll be alright traveling the road." Kakyoin remarks with a small smile, the teen grabbing ahold of jotaros sleeve. "Jotaro I'm surprised you were able to get someone to make you a Japanese students uniform here in Pakistan. It fits well too. " Joseph remarked, the older man surprised at the similarity of his old uniform coat. "It's 100% wool." He simply responded, annoyance lingering in his voice.

"Is it safe to drive? The fog on this road is pretty thick here." Kakyoin nervously looks around, the teen feeling a bit uneasy as she could no longer see the road ahead of them. "Yeah you're right. There's a steep drop to one side and no guard rail." Polnareff looks ahead the older Joestar adding to his words. "The fog only gets thicker up ahead. It's not even 3 o'clock yet but I think we have no choice." He pauses, the man sighing in exhaustion. "Let's just find a place to stay in that town for the night." He concluded. "I wonder if there's a nice hotel?" Polanreff wondered, the frenchman's eyes sparkling in delight.

"A nice hotel you say? To be very honest with you, i don't mind that one bit." She yawned, feeling fatigued from their recent battle, and the monotonous road never helped her attempts to stay awake. "Yes! A hotel that has a decent toilet of course! I still can't get used to the toilets in India and west Asia where you wash yourself with your hands." Polnareff pouted, the redhead beside him chuckling at his odd obsession. Jotaro enjoyed the foggy weather, it wasn't like this in Japan very often so it was quite a sight to behold. Looking to the side his eyes slightly widened at a grotesque image of a dog's corpse, its furry body impaled by the sharp rocks. "Was that a dog's corpse?' He wondered to himself, the teen shaking the scene from his mind. Around an hour or so later, they Arrived in town, the car traversing through the quiet streets, the ominous feeling never leaving Jotaro.

"This is a nice little town I'd say has a population of a few thousand" Joseph looks around as they park in front of a building. Jotaro gazed towards his side, the red haired teen asleep against his shoulder. "Noriko wake up." He whispered softly. "Hm? Oh." She yawned as she opened her eyes observing their surroundings. She points to a building as she gets out of the vehicle. " Let's ask about a hotel at this restaurant there."

"It sure is a weirdly quiet town. Every other place has been super cramped and noisy." Polnareff wonders, the male looking around the fog covered area.

"It's most likely because of the fog. Listen up everyone, in Pakistan and further west in the Islamic world this is how you greet people. First you smile and say Assalami alaikum!" He says to a bored looking man. His face held no emotion as he stared at the older Joestars face, his hand quickly replacing the open sign with 'closed'. "Uh.. you didn't have to close up shop so suddenly, we just wanted to ask a question. "Is there a hotel nearby?" Joseph sweat dropped, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. The man never responded, not a word leaving his lips

Turning his back on the crew, his lips slightly opened to remark. "I dont know." He stated with a bored tone, the man leaving towards the dark corridor. Joseph looks at the back of his neck, cockroaches that seemed to be bigger than his fingers roamed around his barren skin. Joseph's eyes widened, the man rubbing his tired eyes, when he opened them once more he saw nothing "I'm sure he couldn't understand you because your pronunciation was so bad. Let's ask the guy sitting there." Polnareff pointed to a man's body resting against a fountain that held no water. "Hey buddy do you know where-." He paused, taking a look at the man, he screamed aloud in terror. A petrified look was on his face, his eyes wide and his mouth open. "Hey you, what's wrong with you!?" Polnareff shook his body as he slumped over on his back, lizards crawling out of his agape mouth. "They're dead! They died with that look of fear on their face! What is this?! Why are they lying dead on the road!?" Was it a heart attack?! A stroke?!" He screamed aloud, his petrified voice ringing through their ears

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