Death 13 part one

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A baby's cries were heard, the redhead shifting in her bed as she dreamt. "So noisy.." She mumbled, the teen opening her eyes as she adjusted to the sudden bright light. Rubbing her eyes to relieve any tiredness that was left, she was startled by finding an amusement park ... a very colorful amusement park. "What is this place?" She questioned aloud before looking around, the teen finally understanding where she was.

"It's an amusement park! I've never been here before. What am I doing lounging around on a Ferris wheel, and in my pajamas?" her brows began to furrow in contemplation. "Somethings wrong... I'm sure we were traveling through the Saudi Arabian desert on camels. But everyone's gone. Did.. did they abandon me?" Seeing a dog sitting peacefully beside her, she pet it lovingly as one would with any animal. "Still, something's strange. There are no children in this amusement park, but yet I keep hearing babies. I wonder where it's coming from." She wondered, the baby's cry echoing loudly through the entire music park.

A green balloon that appeared out of nowhere, it floated towards her; something tied at the end of its string. She reached out her hand to it, turning around the card that was attached to it, her eyes widened as it read Death 13. "This card is... Death 13!" She paused, the teen letting go of the card from her grasp. "The card is moving!" A scythe began to form from the card, as the blade slashed through the poor dog's head. She began to quiver in fear, her eyes widening in terror at the gory scene which laid before her. This resulting in her releasing an ear pitching scream from her lips

"Kakyoin! Kakyoin!" Polanreff screamed out, the man shaking her slightly as she tossed and turned in the bed she resided in. " Stop freaking out and shaking the bed like you're in the Exorcist! You really scared me to death." Polnareff sent her a carefree smile, the red haired teen breathing as if she had run a marathon.

"W-where are we?" She asked him clearly confused, the girl feeling like something was off.
"Dont ask stupid questions, come on get up already." He left her bedside, the Frenchman opening up the curtains as the bright rays of the sun shined through the window. "Once we eat we're flying out of here!" Polnareff looked outside the window, the man whistling as he felt the heat. "Today looks like it's gonna be another hot one". He spoke, the man turning to kakyoin who grimaced.

"I-I had a scary dream. It was truly terrifying." She rubbed the side of her head as if a headache was coming on, polnareff kneeling beside her. "A scary dream? Let's hear it!" He asks, the man completely curious. "The thing is I don't remember, i've forgotten it all." She announced, a distant look appearing in her eyes. "What? What are you talking about Kakyoin?" Polnareff slightly frowned. "You.. saved me when you woke me up." She explained. "Stop being so weird. Also get dressed quickly we're going to leave pretty soon." He sent her a small smile, the man ruffling her already messy hair as he dismissed himself from her presence. She looked towards the side, her eyes gazing upon her hand which strangely had gash. Freshly cut, blood secreting from the wound. "How strange,how did that get there' she thought to herself, wondering what could have caused the unfortunate mishap. Finally getting up from her bed, she put on her iconic green uniform. Deciding what she should do with her hair, considering it had grown a decent amount of length during the entire trip, she brushed through the locks with a brush. Letting her fingers intertwine with each strand, she braided her hair to the very ends; the teen adorning herself with flower pins.

Leaving the small hotel they had resided in for a short period of time, the two users walked side by side. "Jotaro and Mr. Joestar have already headed towards the plane, soon we should be flying over this desiccated area .We're going to travel 500 kilometers today!" He exclaimed excitedly, the teen nodding her head beside him.

Suddenly they heard the panicked scream of a small boy; the two turning their heads towards the noise. "My dog is dead. Something killed him." The young boy points to his dog, the animal's head secreting blood. "That dog.. It was in my dream, it can't be real right?!' She thought to herself, the teen squeezing her wrist in worry. "I feel bad for the fella, the world can be really cruel sometimes. But we have better things to do. Come on.

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