The empress of Varanasi

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Polnareff was already far off in front of the group, leading the way with his head held high.
Kakyoin had began to walk towards him, before she was abruptly stopped by her fellow companions.

"Kakyoin-san we have to ask you something."Joseph regarded the young teen, Jotaro by his side nodding in agreement.

"Yes? What is it Mr. Joestar?" She questioned with a curious voice as she tilted her head to the side.

"We would like you to keep this a secret from Polnareff, we can't tell him or else it could be dangerous." He paused for a moment, then continued to speak.

"Avdol is still alive thankfully, Hol Horses bullet just grazed him, yet the stab wound will take a little longer to heal. When he's fully recovered he'll be able to join the group once again. Can you do that for us?" Joseph asked of her, the older man crossing his arms across his chest.

Kakyoin nodded her head, a small smile appearing on her face. "Of course I can, that won't be a problem. Bedsides I'm pretty good at keeping secrets." She put a finger in front of her lips, a gesture of silence.

Joseph flashes her a carefree grin, the old man catching up to Polnareff as he struck a friendly conversation.

Jotaro turned to her, the teen digging his hands into his coat pockets.

"You're rooming with me again, is that fine?" He asked her with the best intentions. Besides the fact that he was quite comfortable with the girl, he never wanted her to be in an uncomfortable situation: and for that reason it made Kakyoin respect him more.

"Is that even a question? Of course it's fine. I feel comfortable enough to stay with you. I trust you." She sent him a half smile, the delinquent beside her nodding as he lit a cigarette between his lips.

Kakyoin was helping Polnareff patch up his wounds, the man beside her blushing in embarrassment.

"You're such a baby." Kakyoin rolled her eyes sending Jotaro a glance.

"I'm much older than you Kakyoin! I am not a baby!" He tried to defend himself, the Frenchman crossing his arms across his chest.

"You don't act like it." Jotaro gruffly respond, the teen letting a few puffs of smoke escape from his lips.

"Jotaro!" He whined a bit hoping the delinquent would've backed him up.

"Quit messing with your bandages. I mean it." She warned, the Frenchman beside her quickly stopping as he a sweatdropped.
"Fine." He pouted before stuffing his face against the lush pillow.

Kakyoin heaved a sigh, the teen shaking her head as she left towards the hallway, Jotaro following behind her. "Rest up Pol."

Stepping inside her own hotel room Jotaro closed the door behind her, the delinquent leaning against the wall.

Kakyoin stretched, a few of her bones popping. "That was a lot." She turned to the delinquent who continued smoking another cigarette. "Yeah. You handled it better than what jiji and I could've done." He simply stated, Kakyoin smiling at his compliment. "Thank you.. Jojo."

The sun was high in the sky, it's Radiant rays sending waves of heat in the cramped van full of sweaty and tired people.

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