Dios world part 3

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The sheer intensity of each punch allowed both users to descend from the ground, somehow. Presumably flying. The world refused to hold back, the stand landing a punch although star platinum dodged it. Unfortunately, he wasn't as lucky when dodging another punch, this time landing against star's cheek.

Jotaro didn't even flinch, it was just a mere wound that could easily be healed. Dio smugly laughed, placing his hands against his hips. "So, The World's power and precision are both superior! I've seen enough. I'm satisfied. I will end you now!" He flatly threatened, Jotaro letting out a fierce scream.

Not of pain, but of sheer, bubbling anger. "I have decided that I will show no mercy when fighting one of the Joestar bloodline, and will kill them instantly! The way to end you is with the world's true power! The world! Stop time!" He commanded, his arms open wide as he embraced the power he held.

The world around him halted, bending to his will as everything stopped in its place. It was like pressing the pause button on a remote, until you decide to press play again. Dio moved closer to Jotaros frozen state, a fanged smile appearing on his face. "With this, the Joestar bloodline will finally end. My arch nemesis who dared to make an appearance in my destiny, farewell!" He cooly stated, his arm raised in the air until he noticed the shifting of Jotaros fingers.

His eyes widened as he took notice, his mind filling with questions that had no answer. "What?" He asked aloud, Jotaros fingers moving once again as Dio neared closer. Out of pure instinct he flew a bit away, keeping a safe enough distance.

"What! He just moved! He... Impossible! His finger just moved! It can't be. I- It c- can't be! Our stands.. They're the same?" He wondered as beads of sweat were falling along the sides of his face, Jotaros words from earlier echoing in his mind.

"The World and Star Platinum are the same type of stand? I refuse to believe it." He said aloud, the vampire noticing the ever intense gaze of Jotaro. "Can he see me? Or is he moving his hands subconsciously? Damn. Times up." Where Star was going to land a punch, Dio was no longer there. Turning around, he was met with an angry expression.

"Could you see me?" He asked the raven haired male, The man staying silent and refusing to let a word leave his lips. "I asked if you could see me, Jotaro!"

"Who knows I don't have a clue what the hell you're talking about, Dio." Bright yellow flames surrounded his body in an instant, seeing the chance he quite literally flew away from him.With a firm kick against the wall from Star Platinum, he was able to stay a few feet away from the vampire. "Very well! It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if you can see me during stopped time or not! If you can move the same way as The world, Let me see you moving!" He commanded, the man remembering the first time he really used his abilities.

"Yes, it was six months ago when I first stopped time. In order to test out my stands power and speed, I had one of my servants fire a shotgun at me. As I went to catch the pellets... For a moment, it looked like everything had stopped. That's when it all began. At first, I thought it was an illusion. Trained boxers and those who are accidents feel each moment as if they were several seconds or minutes. I thought it was something like that. But the world was able to step around the pellets that hung suspended in stopped time. And? I could grab them!

"It's not an illusion!" He recalled with widened eyes. "Lord Dio! You will surely be able to control time! You must believe with more conviction that you can move time with and stop time! It must be like breathing. Might be able to snap a pencil and a half with your fingers! You must believe it's a perfectly natural thing for you to do. What's most important is to recognize it as such. You must believe that it's Natural for you to do it! You are emperor of this world! It's only natural for you to control time!" Enyaba recalled proudly.

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