High priestess part 2

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The submarine begins to shake violently, causing some of the crusades to stumble. "This isn't good!" Polnareff panicked, the man looking around him. "Don't lose your control. It's at times like these when men need to be prepared, women included." He spoke as he tried his best to but on his gear. "It's hard to get the stuff on without my artificial hand. Who here has scuba dived before?" He asked the group of stand users. "Nope." "No." "I have not." The three said. "The high priestess is still attacking from the next room. Quickly, teach us how to dive!" Avdol held his hand on the door, his gaze becoming that of worry.

"Don't panic. Above all, never panic. That's the most important thing in scuba diving. When you're underwater, for every 10 meter you go below the surface, the pressure increases by one atmosphere. At the surface, There's one atmosphere pressure. We're 40 m below the surface right now, so we'll endure 5 atmospheres of pressure. If we try to surface immediately our lungs and blood vessels will burst. We have to go up slowly so our bodies can adjust. We're near the Egyptian coast, so we will go along the Sea floor. Now I'm going to let Water in." Twisting the wheel he does just that, the water entering in.

Picking up something from his gear, he shows it to them as an instructor would. "This is a regulator. There's a valve inside that only lets air in from the tank you breathe from. When you exhale your breath comes out the left side." Noriko tries as the Frenchman beside her asks " What about your spit?What happens if I spit or phlegm comes out while you're underwater?"

"That stuff just comes out here." He points to the regulator. "By the way, this should be obvious but we can't talk underwater. We will just use hand signals for now. Let's keep things simple and use two. When everything is fine, we'll use this to say OK." He motions by making an ok gesture with his hand. "When things aren't good, use this." He gesture by moving his hand from side to side. "Mr. Joestar given who we are, couldn't we use our stance to talk to one another?" Avdol states. "Oh, that's a good point."

"But I know a hand signal message too. Polnareff claps his hands together, next he puts a peace sign up, and OK signal, and a hand on his forehead. "Your underwear showing." Kakyoin pops up behind him.

"YEAH!" Polanreff smiles, the two making a handshake that was so perfectly in sync that it almost made it seem like they've done this more than once. "We're under attack and could die any time! Stop fucking around and let's go!

"This room will soon fill with water. Put on your goggles and regulator." Joseph commands, the group beginning to put on their masks before Kakyoin goes over to Jotaro tightly clutching his uniform with her hand. "I-I don't know how to swim Jotaro...what do I do?" She looked at him, the teen feeling a bit embarrassed. He grabs her hand, their fingers intertwining as he looked away slightly. "Just, stay close to me. We can swim together." Joseph noticed the two holding hands, his eyebrows raised looking at Jotoro for an answer. "She can't swim old man, calm down." Jotaro rolled his eyes. "Thank you.. Jotaro" She blushed slightly letting the water rise above her head.

The submarine door begins to open, Joseph turning around to the group his hand in an ok sign. The others doing the same. Polnareff began to flail in the water as his regulator turned into the stand that was attacking them. "Polnareff!" Joseph screamed out. The stand gnawing at Polnareff's lips as his eyes widened in terror. "What the hell? It had already transformed into a regulator!" Kakyoin screamed out. "Fuck!" Jotaro cursed, the teens The stand began to enter Polnareff's mouth, going down his throat to stop him from breathing. "It's going in through his mouth and tear him apart, this is bad! You've got to drain the room." Jotaro spoke with urgency. Kakyoin looked towards the older Joestar, the teen wondering what to do. "It's too late for that! It must have been waiting for this moment!"

Star Platinum appeared without warning; his iconic cry of ORA blaring through the room as he tried to grab the little vermin, but his attempt was left fruitless.
"Shit!" He cursed once more, kakyoin squeezing his hand in hopes to comfort him.

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