The wheel of fortune

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Anne is not on this chapter just letting you know my lovely readers. Once again I apologize for my lack of writing skills.

The cars tires grazed against the rigid mountain road, dirt clouds and small rocks uplifting themselves from the impact.

"Were in reach of the Indo-Pakistani border. We'll be saying goodbye to India very very soon." Kakyoin gazes at the map before her, the red head folding the enlarged parchment.

The group nodded their heads, Joseph cutting in."At first i wondered what country we were walking into, but now i miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta, and the rushing of the Ganges river " Joseph admits, the older man slightly pouting like a child after a scolding.

"I- I will be returning back to Calcutta to give Avdol a proper grave. It's what he deserves." Polnareff states, lingering guilt in his voice.

The air around them became heavy, Kakyoin wanting to assure the Frenchman that Avdol was alive. Yet she knew the dangers they would face, for one Polnareff being an absolute loud mouth, and of course The fortune teller does need to recover.

"The road is gettingmuch Narrower." Kakyoin announces, eyeing the frenchman beside her. Polnareff squinted his eyes, the layer of dirt on the windsheild making it hard for him to see.

There was a sudden car in front of them, red and a classic looking model. If it wasn't for the shiny metal and the slow pace, they would've assumed it was a shitty car on its last wheels.

"Dammit stop driving so slow, you're in the way!" Polnareff complained, the man feeling agitated in the want for speed.

"You know what? I'm just gonna pass em." Polnareff complains fanning away the dust clouds from his face. Picking up the speed he passes the car going in front, small rocks being thrown against the cars bumper.

"You're driving recklessly Polnareff. Do you want us to get in an accident?"Kakyoin scolds, nervous sweat running down her back.

"You worry to much Kakyoin. Besides this shitty four wheel drive is pretty great if you ask me."

Joseph feeling that an argument between the two would for he spoke between them. "She is right. We don't want any accidents to happen when we're on the the road Polnareff, especially when were hundreds of feet off the ground. Besides I'm a wanted criminal in Varanasi you know. I don't know about you, but I would like to cross the border safely and in one piece."Joseph finishes, the redhaired teen sending the silver haired male a "i was right" glance.

"he rolled his eyes halfy disregarding their words as he continued to drive at a constant speed, the group unaware of the car still following discreetly behind them.

There was silence for a few moments, until a loud honk was heard from behind. Polnareff groaned in annoyance. "It's that car from earlier, They seem to be in a hurry. Let them pass Polnareff." Joseph requested him to so, polnareff giving in. The car drove by their own, Jotaro Watching it pass by. The windows were rolled up to the top, the layer of grime Making it impossible for the delinquent to identify what the driver might look like.

"why are they going so slow for!" Polnareff spoke aloud, his anger and stuborness getting the best of him. Kakyoin looks at him her eyes glaring into the side of his skull. "Oh I don't know polnareff.. maybe its because they may be upset because you drove so recklessly earlier." She rolled he eyes, bringing her hand to massage her sore temples, she could tell a headache was going to come on.

"Jojo, did you see what the driver looked like?" his grandpa asked him. "No the windows were covered with dirt, do you think its a-" he was cut short by Joseph, the delinquent becoming agitated, more than usual.

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