Petshop the guardian of hell part 2

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Petshop's beaked smile subsided when he saw the severed leg of iggy encapsulated within the ice. With the remaining chunks falling into the disgusting sewage water, he landed down below in search for the little Dog. Seeing the air bubbles of the water, he looked intensely as he saw the familiar shade and iron smell in the murky water.

"Dammit Iggy where are you." Kakyoin stated to herself hierophant giving a small hiss towards her. "I know it's late hierophant, but i'm not leaving here until i find him." The redhead frowned slightly, the little menace was an important ally. Not to mention she liked the little dog, even though she spoiled him with too many gum pieces. "Let's keep going, I'm not sure where he could be but I'm sensing he's not too far." Kakyoin stated with calmness, the two of them continuing their search.

Joseph turns his gaze to the watch fastened around his watch."It's almost sunset." He sighed, the group were tired and already at wits end. "Despite how confident that beggar sounded about finding Dios mansion from the photo within three hours, it looks like he was wrong. Avdol?" Polnareff crossed his arms, the Frenchman turning to his lover. "Hm it's had occurred to me that it might be better if he didn't find it, and that's why he hasn't returned. There could be a stand music that prevents people from getting close to the mansion. It might have been too dangerous to ask him, there's a possibility that i could have caused his unfortunate demise." He sighed, letting guilt creep in. Polnareff sensed his gloomy demeanor, tried to change the conversation to some degree.

"Hey Iggy and Kakyoin haven't returned yet.. do you think that maybe a stand user found them?" He asked aloud, yet as the question left his lips everyone stopped in their tracks. "No possibly not. Let's just wait a little longer." Joseph concluded, the man had quickly noticed Jotaro's frown. The oldest Joestar was not always the best at certain things but he knew when someone was in love. If Kakyoin had been injured, possibly even killed by a stand user if Jotaro wasn't he would blame himself heavily. Sadness is one thing, but having guilt over the loss of someone so close.. It just hurts. Joseph knew that himself, to this very day he still blames those cruel words that were thrown at Caesar.. The man almost died from his fight with an aztec vampire all those years ago. He silently prayed that whatever happened in the near future, that Jotaro would never have to go through it.

From atop of the water, there was a single strand of a reed, from down beneath there was a dome made out of stand. Iggy held onto his injured leg, the small air tube from the reed giving him the oxygen he needed. "My leg... My leg... It got chopped off by the icicle!" He grit his canines in pain. "If I didn't abandon my leg, I would've been finished. I should hide here for a little while. I.. just need to hide here and get him off my tail." His eyes quickly gazed at his bandaged leg, how he managed too in such little time? We will never know. I'll have the Speedwagon foundation make me an artificial leg. Damn that birdbrain! You're not going to get away with this. I will get you back for this dammit!"

He held onto his leg to stop the flow of metallic as he wriggled in pain. Iggy had some pain tolerance, but I'm sure after missing a leg you wouldn't be able to withstand it right?

The sound of someone.. Or something diving into the water made Iggy stop in his motions. His little ears pricked up as he wondered what it could be. A fish was entirely possible but a part of him knew it wasn't. "That sound! It's the sound of something diving into the water. It can't be!?" His eyes widened, his small body shivering in fear.

It is not impossible for a bird to dive underwater. Birds use lungs to breathe, just like humans and dogs. But they also have air sacs that store air, located in 56 places in their chest and abdomen. Because of the air sacs, birds are able to fly at an altitude of 6-7 thousand meters, where humans would fall comatose. Even if they were being strangled, because of the supply of oxygen in their bodies, birds could survive a few minutes. This means that a bird can stay underwater for much longer than a dog.

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