Dios world, the shattering of an emerald part2

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Joseph lets her words sink in, the older joestar having a twinge uncertainty. "What?!"

"Just trust me Mr Joestar, follow me." Jumping onto Hierophant greens back, she used her stands appendages to quite literally swing from building to building. It almost seemed like something out of the american comic spider man, or at least that's what joseph thought. Will Joseph not too far behind, he did his best to mimic her actio to the best of his ability.

From atop a tall radio tower, something bright shone in the distance. Dio watched the two uses, a smirk plastered upon his face. Kakyoin could see him from afar, the teen looking at her hierophant. Hierophant, her closest friends, her only friend. As she looked deep into the colors, she could only remember her sad past.

A young woman was sitting upright in a chair, her hair neatly done in a bun as a curly front of her hair rested delicately at her side. This was Noriko's mother. In front of her was Kakyoin's teacher, in his hands was a piece of paper, perhaps a report.. No one knew.

"Your little Noriko doesn't try at all to make friends. Do not be alarmed, It's not that the other kids don't like her, it's just that she doesn't try to open up to anyone. As her teacher, I'm very concerned." The man looks at the woman as she bows her head a little low.

"I'm her mother, yet I still don't know why she's like that. I tried to get her to come out of her shell but ever since she was 6 she never tried to make friends anymore. I don't know what happened." She stated, it almost seemed like he forgot about kakyoin's first little friend.

From outside the small classroom stood a little girl. On that day she wore a white top with her favorite fruit, a cherry, embroidered on the pocket, a green pleated skirt, knee high socks and black shoes. She remembered that day well, and it panged her heart that her mother had to worry for her at such a young age.

"Ever since I was a child, I thought that living in the city means meeting a lot of people. But even in an entire lifetime, how many people meet others they can truly understand, and to understand them?

Sitting on the swings earlier that morning, she saw her classmates all playing a game with one another. The girls and boys playing a game of baseball. The girls pulled out books and gave them to their friends, the same with the boys. She opened up her own and saw it had two names. Her mother's name, and her fathers name. The rest of the pages were empty, not even a scribble. After that day she talked with Hierophant who could only listen, her true friend that could understand her better than anyone else. The other kids who saw her thought she was strange, but how could they understand something that they couldn't see. "I don't need anyone. I- I have myself and you Hierophant. That's all I need in my life." She smiled at her stand, the smaller hierophant green comforting her to the best of her ability.

"My classmates' address books are filled with their friends' names. At least everyone I knew did. There were about 50 friends in each, maybe even 100. My mother has my father, and my father has my mother. I'm sure Rockstars and people on TV have tens of thousands of friends. But I am different. I was alone all my life. Since I met that little boy years ago, he was the only one who saw her, who could truly understand me. I probably won't ever have someone who sees me for who I truly am. Because... I don't have a single friend who can see my Hierophant green ever again. It's impossible for those who can't see her to understand me.

The memories of the crusaders throughout their journey flashed through her mind, each scene after the next.

"Until I met Jotaro, Mr. Joestar, Polnareff and Avdol, I felt that way all the time. I wonder why I get goosebumps when I think about Avdol and Iggy. Perhaps because they were the first friend I shared a common goal with. The journey to Dio? Even though it lasted only a few weeks, they became friends that I could truly connect with.

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