Dark blue moon

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It was a pleasant day. The sun was high in the sky, a few clouds, and a gentle ocean breeze blew against the sails.

From Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for 3 full days." Joseph says while his arms are crossed. " In the meantime, let's relax and keep our spirits up."

Kakyoin lifted her eyes up from the book she was reading, her only to be immersed back in it again. She had braided her hair an hour ago, the red tail laid against her right shoulder. She was pressed against s folding chair, her tense body easing up against the woven cloth. Beside her laid Jotaro, resting his arms behind his head. His hat shielded his eyes, the rays from the sun avoiding half of his already tanned face.

" Seriously, can't you two do something about thise school uniforms" Joseph says pointing at them. Jotaro lifted his hat to gaze at his grandfather, the teen beside him still focused on her book. "Are you really going to continue the journey wearing those, isn't it hot?" He continues speaking to the highschoolers.

Kakyoin closes her book with a cloud claps her thumb marking where she stopped. "We are students, and as students we should behave as such. But I suppose for some of us that sounds like a stretch." She sides eyes Jotaro, the male responding with a huff.

"You Japanese students are so stiff!" Joseph throws his hands in the air in exasperation.

Avdol speaks, "So this is bushido. Once you've cleared your mind even fire seems cool." The Frenchman beside him adds, "You know Jotaro, girls won't fall for stuff guys like you. Also Kakyoin loosen up a bit!" He sends a a goofy grin.

Kakyoin snickers a bit, the male giving her a look. "No.. no I don't think I will." She opens her book again finding the exact place from where she left off.

"Kak.. Noriko." Jotaro called out to the teen, the red head turning her gaze into him in an instant. "Hmm?" She tilts her head. "What are you reading?" He asks, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata." She responds showing him the cover.

"You seem to be pretty invested in it, I'm guessing it's good." He tilts his hat back down. "It's alright, there's just a bit of a plot twist that I'm confused about. Though, I would've grabbed my poetry book and started writing but I suppose I grabbed this one by accident."
She sighed a bit.

"Poetry? Never thought-" before he could finish his sentence, s bit of shouting was heard along the deck of the ship.

"Hey! Let go of me! Let go of me you bastard!"

Turning around they witnessed a young boy, maybe the age of 10. Joseph asks the crew. "what's going on here!?"

"Sorry Mr. Joestar, but it seems that a stowaway managed to get on the ship. We're not sure how." A crew member apologized

"Come at me, I'll kick your balls in!" The feisty child says.

"Well then, I'll turn you in to the Naval police! How's that!" The crew member said. It startled the child as he begged not to be turned in. "Wait no no no! Im sorry ok! I just wanted to go visit my dad in Singapore. Just let me go I'll work as hard as you want ok!?" She waved her hands in panic. Much to the dismay of the stowaway she was still going to be turned in.

The child was able to leave from his grasp, yet the crew member went in to grab the child again, but she bit into his arm causing him to back away. "Why you little-!" He shouted.

Without thinking, the stowaway jumped into the oceanic water, unaware of the sharks that were present.

Kakyoin quickly left her book, she stood up with a start from and ran towards the other crusaders, looking over the railing. "Is he really going to swim all the way to shore?" She covered her mouth in surprise?

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