Petshop, the guardian of hell

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Polnareff sat down on the concrete, the afternoon sun shining it's rays upon him.

"Man it's super hot today. I haven't had a bath since yesterday. My good looks are going to go to waste." He aulks, the Frenchman taking a sip of his soda: noticing a man sitting next to him with a possible broken arm.

The spectacle startled him, looking at the man adjacent to him, he waved his hand in front of his face. The strange man had a pair of sunglasses on, it wouldn't have been odd that he was possibly blind.

Scooting alway not too long afterwards, the man scooting next to him as well. The small act continued for about a minute or so, The silver haired man becoming quite aggravated by the persistent beggar.

What the hell! Do you want something from me?" Polnareff yelled, the man raising his fist against the strangers face.

"How dense are you? I'm telling you to get out of my way! You're a foreigner. Don't sit here like you're a beggar! Who the hell gave you permission?" He yelled back, it was hilarious how the man didn't know a single thing about the country and it's customs.

A man passed by, noticing Polnareff and his rather odd choice of attire. "Are you a needy foreigner? This isn't much, but here you go." He hands polnareff a ten pound note, the stranger leaving the Frenchman to idle at his small predicament.

"Hey, this is..." Polnareff looked at the banknote in his hand, his 'brows raised in absolute confusion. "You bastard, how dare you?! This is my territory, dammit!" The beggar man yelled, his teeth barred like a rabid dog. "Uh territory? What are you talking about?" Polanreff scratched his head, an uneasy smile on his face

"Hey! Polnareff! Don't sit there. And give that money to him?" Avdol lectured his now boyfriend, the man sighing heavily as he shook his head. "Avdol. Is this guy a beggar?" Polnareff pointed to the man, Avdol giving him a small glare. "Sorry. My boyfriend here doesn't know much about the city." Avdol coughed, the man covering his mouth as his cheeks turned red.

"You should have just said so in the first place." Polnareff stood up from his place, the man dusting whatever dirt he had in his white pair of paints. "I'm a beggar who can't speak in public for professional reasons." The beggar folded his arms across his chest, turning his head away from the group of users who quietly approached him.

"This city has a beggar's Association. That may seem strange, but without rules like this, there would be chaos in the streets." The Frenchman then unde the situation, a bit of embarrassment on his face. "You seem to know a lot." He scratched the back of his head, Avdol flicking him in the forehead. It was clear that Avdolwas the mature one in the relationship.

"Even worse, you hurt my pride. I wonder if I'd earn more if I dressed up like a needy foreigner? Maybe I'll start doing that." He pointed towards Polnareff's attire, the fortuneteller interrupting his own thoughts. "By the way, I thought you looked familiar. Aren't you Avdol, the fortune teller? I heard that someone was trying to kill you, so you fled to Japan." He stated rather calmly, after all he was correct.

"I've been looking for you to ask a favor, since you're here so much and remember well, I'll pay well." He hands the man the picture of Dio's hideout. "We need to find the location shown in this picture. And we're in a bit of a hurry." Avdol told the man, a bit of worry showing on his usual calm face. To their surprise he quickly took off his beggars attire; revealing a well kept man with a rather expensive looking suit and matching hat to finish off the complete look. "It looks like I'm done with work for the day."He dusted off his suit, gazing at the photo yet again. "I can find the place from that picture in three hours. Wait right here." The man quickly left the scene, approaching a luxurious vehicle that wasn't parked far and drove away. Polnareff blinked for a moment, the gears finally moving after so long. He looked around, knowing there was a missing member of their group he despised so much. "Hey.. um.. Where the hell is Iggy?

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