Darby the gambler part 2

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"Before we get started, there's something I want to try. Shuffle those cards."Jotaro asked suddenly, the delinquent in question pointing on the deck of cards that rested on the table. Darby complied, the man shuffling the cards quickly and expertly. "They're shuffled. What now?" Darby rested his hand against his chin, setting the cards back down. "It doesn't matter which one, but pick a card from anywhere near the desk top and flip it. Keep the card to yourself." Jotaro calmly explained, Joseph behind him wondering what his plan was.

The enemy picked up a card, gazing at it for a moment before turning his attention to the raven haired teen. "Okay, I've looked." The compulsive gambler stated rather calmly. "I'll tell you which card it is: the six of hearts. I'll name the cards in order from the top. Five spades, queen of diamonds, Jack of spades, Ace of hearts? Seven diamonds, 6 of clubs , king of clubs, two of diamonds." Darby laid the cards on the table spreading each one out for the remaining crusaders to see. "That's correct. Darbys the one who shuffled? How did you-." Joseph questioned the older man, quickly cut off by his grandson. "I can name all the cards in order from top to bottom. My star platinum was able to see the order of the cards as they were being shuffled." Star Platinum appeared behind Jotaro, his purple aura gazing intently at the gambler.

"That's very interesting. But that just means I have to make sure you don't see me shuffling the cards." Darby smiled, though it faltered as Kakyoin chuckled behind him. "Don't you get it Darby. That means you won't be able to cheat. He just wanted to let you know that." She folded her arms across her chest, Hierophant behind her person as it hissed. A bead of sweat rolled down his face, his gaze never faltering from the two Japanese students. "Good."

Darby brought a new deck of cards, setting them down on the table.

A security seal. An unbroken security seal means that no one has ever touched these cards.

Jotaro opened the pack of cards, Darby opening a book as the pages began to touch his finger. After setting the cards out on the circle he looked over the cards "There's one joker, I don't see anything unusual. They're just ordinary playing cards."

Finally stopping at a page he internally spoe to himself. "I am at 538? No, 540? No, page 556." He looked over to the page number in the book, he was absolutely correct. "I'm at my best again today. I can figure out which page I'm on just buy the feel. Jotaros star platinum may indeed have impressive eyes. But I Darby can memorize by touch. Even when I shuffle the cards, I know exactly where

"Okay! Open the game!" Darby announces, the two competitors grabbing a part of the deck. Darby showed his card,"Ten of hearts." Then Jotaro with his usual cool persona did the same. "Seven of clubs."

Darby smiled in satisfaction knowing he already had the upper hand. "Looks like I am the dealer." "I better shuffle them at an Angle where star platinum can't see." Darby concludes to himself, the man shuffling the cards with ease, being wary of the two Japanese students. "Cut if you will, please." He motions his hands towards the deck of cards, Jotaro picking up a good amount of the deck and placing it again onto the top.

Darby smiled, the man quickly grabbing the deck. "And now I shall deal. To Jotaro, to me, to Jotaro, to me?" Quickly hierophant green broke his index finger, her tendril wrapped tightly arof the flesh. Star platinum on the other hand broke his middle finger with no remorse. Darbys screams filled the cafe, his eyes widening.

"What happened!? Jotaro, Kakyoin his fingers! Both of your stands just broke Darby's finger out of the blue!?" Joseph yelled, the man slightly afraid of his grandson's violent actions.

I told you! I won't let you get away with cheating." Jotaro cooly stated, his eyes cold. "What? Cheating? When? He was just dealing the cards!? He didn't make any suspicious moves!" Joseph looked at Jotaro absolutely shocked, Kakyoin shaking her head.

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