Iggy the fool and Gebs N'Doul part 2

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The bodies of Jotaro and co landed onto the sand, with how loud the collision was it was most definite than the enemy could have heard them.

Avdol rubbed his head, from the corner of his eye he watched as the water slowly retreated back into the ground,
"The water has receded, everyone, stay still. Do not make a sound!" Avdol thought, the man hoping that the others knew what he was thinking. Thankfully none uttered a single word.

N'Doul , however, knew exactly what they were doing. "They're trying to be quiet hoping I won't notice them." He chuckled shortly. "It's too late for that, I know where each of you fell!" He chuckled momentarily then halted. With his excellent hearing, he had managed to pick up a sound that seemed like footsteps. "Four- no, five footsteps. One of them seems to be tip- toeing.. Yet it doesn't matter how lightly you step, I will always be able to hear you." He spoke with a calm voice.

What N'Doul believes to be tip-toe steps was actually Avdol who threw his silver bracelets into the and. The only purpose was to give the allusion of someone moving across the sand., "There, those should sound like walking to them. You accursed Stand, attack that spot! My Magician's Red will burn you the second that you decide to reveal yourself!" Avdol waited patiently for the perfect moment to appear, and because of his brilliant plan there was a chance! "There you are!" Avdol immediately brought Magicians red, the bright flames illuminating the sand around him. With great precision, he carefully eyed the stand.

"Hold on, why did they only take five steps? Why not move a little more ?" N'Doul wondered aloud, his brows knitting together in contemplation.

"Now, Magician's Red!" Avdol brought his hands together, to unleash the fire, yet it barely hit the cursed stand. ""What?!" He screamed, his eyes widening in fear of what was to come. N'Doul's Stand zipped past Magician's Red then by Avdol's neck.

There was a moment of silence as Avdol stayed still, iggy finally waking after his small nap. "Who are you?" Avdol's slightly trembled, a large gash opened from where the stand had attacked. "Such strength.." Avdol muttered as his body fell back to crash against the sand.

"Avdol!" Polnareff steamed his name, the man clearly worried for the man. Despite the times they would be cross with each other, he did love him deeply. It absolutely made his heart tear to shreds when he saw him injured like that, the memory of their fight that had happened back in Calcutta was still fresh in his mind.

N'Doul winced at the circular burn when Magicians red had grazed him, "That was a sneaky little plan.. I must listen more carefully." N'Doul concluded as he moved a bit, his hand touching the sand beneath him. "Those weren't footsteps, It would seem he threw some ring shaped objects. How clever. As based on this burn... that must have been Avdol just now. He's done for."

Avdol breathed heavily, the poor man's loud breaths had been noticed by N'Doul. "Let's end this.. Avdol!" N'Doul brought his stand upon the man, its claws open wide. Yet before he could act upon his statement, a new sound reached his ears.

"Now I hear someone running..." N'Doul thought to himself, the man listening very closely.
The delinquent began to run in the opposite direction hoping to distract the water stand much to his grandfather's dismay. You fool! Jotaro, what are you doing?! Joseph screamed out to his grandson.

"Judging by the distance between footsteps, this person is 190..No, 195 centimeters tall. It's not just our. These are the footsteps of a Young Man. It must be Jotaro. Jotaro, where are you going? N'Doul questioned himself, the clever man keeping his ears open to any changing sounds.

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