Iggy the fool and Gebs N'Doul

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The helicopter's vibrations were heard over the Crusaders as they looked up towards the sky. "What is that?" Polnareff wondered briefly "They're here."Joseph informed the group. "There's a helicopter." Polnareff pointed to the flying vehicle. "You don't have to state the obvious. We can see that." Kakyoin rolled her eyes, the teen paying attention to what Joseph was about to say "That's the helicopter from the Speedwagon Foundation. They are looking for a place to land." Joseph silences their talking. "Speedwagon foundation? Your old friends who are watching over Mom back in Japan?" Jotaro looks at his grandfather. "Yeah that's right."

"Don't tell me we're going to ride in the helicopter." The delinquent's voice full of annoyance, the man shielding his eyes with his hat. "No. As much as I'd like to, the crewmembers aren't stand users. If we were attacked they would be at risk." Joseph informs his grandson,

"Then why is that helicopter here?" Kakyoin covers her eyes, Jotaro standing close enough to sheid some of the sand flying her way "They brought us a helper." Joseph smiles, the man already prepared for the wave of questions that would be sent his way.

"What? A helper?" Polnareff questions him, the Frenchman sending him a strange look. "He has a few personality issues, so it's taken a while to get him here." Joseph commented, the fortune tellers eyes widening. "Mr. Joestar! It's impossible for him to come with us on this trip! There's no way he could be helpful." Avdol commented, a bit of sweat running down the side of his face

"Do you know him Avdol?" Kakyoin turned her attention towards the fortune teller. "Yes, very well." He folded his arms, the man shaking his head from side to side. "Hold on. If he's a helper, that means he's a stand user correct?" Jotaro asked. "He's the stand user suggesting the card, the fool." Joseph explained."The fool?" Jotaro repeats his words. That card sounds like an idiot." Polnareff laughs. "We're Lucky that he's not our enemy. You wouldn't be able to beat him." Avdol commented, a smug smile making its way on his face as soon as he sensed Polnareff's anger. "What do you say You asshole? You better watch your mouth." Polnareff grabs the fortune tellers cloak tightly, giving the older man an angered expression. "It's the truth. And what's with the hand? That hurts." Avdol cooly responds to his friend's bitter attitude, Polnareff feely a bit guilty but nevertheless continues his little tantrum. "Who the hell do you think you are, acting all high and mighty and shit."

"OI! KNOCK IT OFF! You're acting like a child, yet you're older than me and Jotaro! Get your act together before I correct it for you!" She scolds them, a menacing aura around her body as she crosses her arms. Polnareff let go, the man backing away as he put his hands up in surrender. Jotaro had to admit, he flinched too.

A man opens the door of the helicopter as he walks towards the older Joestar. "Oh the Helicopter landed." Kakyoin spoke with a charming voice, her emotions taking a complete 360 as she joined Jotaro's side. "Greetings Mr. Joestar, glad to see you're doing well." One of the men held out his hand to greet the older man, the two shaking hands. "Thanks for coming out here. I appreciate it." "So who is the stand user?" Jotaro wondered, the two men standing before him not uttering a single world. " I'm asking you which one of you is the stand user. Is it you?" Jotaro asks them his hands in his coat pocket. "No it's neither of us. He's in the backseat." Opening up the door there was nothing there, except a small pile of blankets. "In the backseat? There's nobody there." "Hey hey hey. You say he's here, well where is he? Is he really short or something? Get the hell out here! Come on!" Polnareff walks over slapping the seat before his hands smack something sticky. "Watch out!" One of them warned. "What's the sticky stuff?"

"Please be careful! The helicopter ride was rough, so he's in a really bad mood! The speedwagon foundation employee held his hand out. "Don't get close to him! I told you, he has some personality issues!" Joseph joined the foundation members' side hoping he could convince the Frenchman to back away. "Polnareff, you can't win. I said this before." Avdol called out to him, kakyoin shaking her head in dismay "And I'm just asking where the hell is he." The cloth begins to shake as a dog comes out attacking Polnareff's face. The dog began to bark fiercely at him, his drool dropping all over his face. "H--he's a dog?"

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