Anubis part 1

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"The numbers on the receipt from this hospital, are they Arabic numbers? It's so confusing.." Polnareff whined, the man waving the paper around. "This zero is actually five, right? And the dot is actually zero, and the seven is a six? And this wormy looking one is?" He questioned. "A four, so the amount we owe is..." Avdol neared closer to him, Polnareffs eyes widening in surprise.

"46,350 Egyptian pounds!? That's expensive!" The Frenchman calculated the total cost, something that seemed like a miracle. His surprise was cut short when his attention turned to the high pitched squeal of women.

"How cute!" "What's with this puppy?" It's so unique!" "what in the world? What if he's chewing gum." "Is he waiting for someone?" "He's so well behaved." A few spoke, the women gushing at the dog who disregarded the while he chewed his gum. "And here I thought he was just waiting outside." Avdol looks at the small dog shaking his head in disbelief .

"Good grief." Jotaro tugged his hat, the man rolling his eyes in annoyance."He's a hit with chicks!" Kakyoin laughed a bit Jotaro looking at her with loving eyes.

"Hello, let me give you some advice. Your best off staying away from the dog. He may seem charming, but in general he hates people. If you just let your guard down you'll regret-" The Frenchman was cut short by Iggy tearing out his precious silver gray strands, to top it off he farted on his face per usual. "Damn mutt! Get off me!" Polnareff screamed at the dog, the man doing his best to pry the little dog off his face. The nurse's laughed at him, a few laughing at the strange spectacle. "Oh goodness,,it farted." One mentioned, yet it was enough to make the poor Frenchman redden in absolute embarrassment. "We're heading out, you lovebirds." Joseph noticed the two fighting, not a complete surprise. "Mr. Joe star! UGH YOU SHITTY LITTLE MUTT! Get off me!" He screamed at the dog, the silver haired man noticing the group walking away from him. "H-hey wait up!"


"They say the ancient Egyptian's always buried their dead, beyond the Niles boundary where the sun sets. That's why the whole city is on the east side of The Nile. All structures built on the west side involve graves and the dead. But our enemies don't care about East or west. They attack from every direction."Joseph warns their group of users, each of them keeping their eyes open and guards up

Not too far away from where the group sailed, a farmer and his son were walking along the rocky hills, presumably walking up from their day's work. "Man, your cow is so lazy. She's pretty strong though." One man commented as he led the cow by its reins. "Hey Chaka hurry up and walk! Stop wasting our time!" A man yelled at his son, the boy carried a heavy bag along his shoulders and a rake like tool in his hand. It was almost impossible for him to catch up after losing a bit of air. Even so he flinched for a moment, the boy doing his best to run a little faster regardless if he was tired or not. "Damn It! He's so worthless. Who the hell do you take after? The cow and the kid both look just like you!" The group of men laugh at the harsh comment, most of them ignoring the younger man.

Chaka was struggling to carry his bag, the sweat gifted to him by the hot evening sun, rolling down his forehead. A spark shone in the corner of his eye, turning to the side he discovered a sword, antique but in perfectly good conduction.

Placing the bag onto the floor he picked it up examining it with curious eyes. "A sword? What's it doing here?" He asked himself. The blade itself was beautifully crafted, jewels lining the sheath of the sword, gold plating along the sides as well. Remarkable work.

"Hey look it's a sword! Give it here!" One of his fathers friends forcefully grabbed the sword from Chaka's grasp. "What? Did someone drop it? Who drops a sword?" One wondered, and rightfully so."This is amazing! It looks pretty expensive." Chaka's father looked at the sword with intentions. "Hey! Maybe the owners are around here somewhere. I bet he's in a panic if he dropped this." One logically commented, at least someone had some sense. "Maybe it's just some antique that's been lying around? Should we take it to the cops?" The man next to him questioned aloud. "Idiot! We can make a fortune if we sell it." He looked at the sword with greed, the man imagining the piles of money he would receive from such a unique sword.

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