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Kakyoin felt a shift, causing her to wake up from her small nap. She lifted her head as she yawned a bit, using her hand to cover her mouth. "Sorry Jotaro, my Bad." She rubbed her eyes as she apologized for falling asleep against him.

He looked at her with a plain expression, giving her a simple response." It's fine."

She noticed the massive ship beside their boats. The metal hull bringing a cold sensation as her hand touched it.
Her eyes widened as she turned to ask Jotaro.

"When did this thing appear?" She asked, her voice a bit firm.

"Just now." He answered with slight

The stairs of the ship were lowered near their life boats. Jotaro looked at It, hid eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated something.

"What's the matter Jotaro, do you think that there's a stand user on this ship too? Joesph looked at his grandson noticing the delinquents intense gaze.

"No, but why would they go through all this trouble and lower the stairs when there's no one here to greet us." He wondering telling his grandfather. "It seems odd to me." Noriko said quietly, agreeing with Jotaro. The delinquent beside her gave her a small nod, acknowledging her with kind but firm eyes.

Polnareff stood up with a start. He jumped onto the ramp, landing on the first step with a small tap. He paused hearing a few soft gasps from behind him.

"What? I don't really care if there's enemy stand users. Besides we can use our stands to defend ourselves if need be. I'm getting on this ship anyways." He proclaims with a confident voice. Grabbing his luggage, he turned his back as he descended up the stars.

Avdol sighed as he shook his head, he stood from his place and followed in suit.

Joseph raised his eye brows in surprise, yet he gave in as the crew members left towards the ship. He rubbed his eyes with his gloved hands as he too paused at the stairs to wait for the others.

Jotaro already stepped out with a loud huff. He paused near the railing, turning around.

"I'll help you out." He motions his hand forward towards Anne. Instead of accepting his offer, She jumps into Joseph's arms, the older man struggling not to drop her. She turned her back to him, sticking her tongue out in a playful manner.
They left without a word, the girl sending a small gaze towards the male before she blushed.

Noriko stood on one step, quickly loosing her footing as the boat began to rock on its sides.

She wobbled a bit, Jotaro putting his hand around her waist, the other supporting her baclk

Her cheeks were lightly tinted pink in embarrassment, not caring if the delinquent saw.

"Good grief Noriko, if you needed a hand I would've helped you." He removed his arms around her waist almost hesitantly, his hands digging into the coat of his pockets.

She chucked a bit, covering her mouth as she awkwardly coughed. "I suppose you could've. I'm just a bit clumsy sometimes, nothing to worry about."

They chatted with each other, a few words spoken between them while they descended the stairs meeting the others on deck.

They saw a few crew members looking around suspiciously, Avdol observed the quiet ship. To their it surprise a bit of fog covered the area making seem mysterious.. perhaps ominous.

Jotaro looked around for the other crusaders, hearing the only mans loud voice coming from the pilot house.

They walked closely together, soft and heavy footsteps echoing loudly in sync.

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