Dios world part 1

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Polnareff began to descend the stairs, his eyes widened as he noticed an imposing figure. His features were blinded from a light behind him, though the yellow garments he wore made Polnareff grit his teeth in anger.

His golden hair radiated immense power, a devious smile was on his face along with the green brooch hearted headband. This was the real Dio.

"So we finally meet, Dio!" Polnareff proclaimed aloud, the vampire applauding him mockingly. "Congratulations, you've avenged your sister, and managed to travel from the far east to make it here." The vampire smirked, the silver haired frenchman scoffed in displeasure.

"If you want to give me a prize for that, how about you give me your life then?" He grabbed a curtain with his free hand, spitting his own blood as the once cream color was stained red.

Dio laughs for a few seconds, holding up one finger towards the user. "I shall give you a chance. Go down two steps and I'll let you join my side again. But if you'd rather die, then climb those stairs." He seemed to bargain, the man refusing to lower himself.

"When I first met you, I succumbed from the bottom of my heart to your spell and immense evil. That was when I became a loser. It's much scarier than death, living with no desire but to do your bidding." His eyes narrowed into thin slits, determination and vengeance burning in his blue irises.

"Right now, I don't feel any fear at all. What's left is my will to fight. Since I met Mr. Joestar the others, this journey of 45 days and the death of my friends have completely blown away my fear of you." He proclaimed.

Dio licked his lips, staring upon Polnareff like a predator awaiting for a bite of its dinner. "Is that so? The climb the stairs."

The Frenchman clenched his fists, his boot stepping onto one of the stair steps, then the next. Unknowingly, it appeared he stepped backwords/

"Well Polnareff. You've gone down the stairs, which means you wish to join me again."

He gazed down to his fett, stepping up another stair once more; yer he found himself i the same place as before.

"Wait a minute. I know I just took a step back?" He whispered, the man sweating bullets in the already evil presence of Dio.

"What's the matter? You're losing your composure you know. Does not one lose his composure when he is afraid? Or is it that you know in your heart, you know you must climb up, but you're so terrified that your body subconsciously did the opposite and went down?" He further mocked, Polnareff refusing to belief a word he said.

"Impossible! I know I went up the stairs!" He ran a few more steps, the next second he was placed back in the same spot like a rendering video game character that was experiencing a glitch.

"What the hell did he do? Is this his stand? It can't be? Dios stand.. Is the world?! What is... happening?" He questioned himself, wondering if he was driving himself into insanity.

"Polnareff, have you ever considered why humans wish to live? Humans live hoping to conquer your anxieties and fears, and attain peace of mind?" He questioned as he strode over to a chain that almost appeared like a thone. "Seeking fame, controlling others, and maintaining wealth are all done with the mind. Marriage and friendship are also pursued as means of attaining peace of mind. When humans say they wish to help others, or that a thing is done by love or justice, it's all merely to give themselves peace of mind. To achieve peace of mind is the goal of all mankind." He explained his twisted version of peace of mind. If one were to hear that, they alone could be deceived by his powerful way of words.

"Now, given that, what anxiety could you possibly feel toward serving me? Any other peace of mind will come easily if you do." He let the words sink in, Polnareff breathing heavily as if all oxygen was sucked from the room. "Doesn't challenging me, even knowing that it may spell your death. Does it bring you anxiety?" Dio wondered, his hand resting on his chiseled jaw.

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