D'arby the gambler

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"Sir, this is a café please order something." The bartender asked, clearly he had better things to do than to help a traveler. "Five ice teas." Joseph held his hand in the air, the delinquent becoming agitated with every passing moment. The bartender once again looked at the photos, the man pouring their iced teas. "Nope, I don't recognize it." He stated, the man turning around to continue his work he was previously doing.

As if they were robots, each crusader picked up the glass drinking it in synchronizing formation, later slamming the glass down. It was remarkable how it didn't break, nor leave a scratch. "Cairo has a population of 6 million. There must be two or 3 million buildings. Will we be able to find him? There Has to be someone. Someone Has to know where it is." The older Joestar thought these words in his mind, nervous sweat making its way down his age stricken face.

"This building? I can't tell from the picture. Sorry, it doesn't look familiar." A man had observed the photos, giving them back to the old Joestar. "I see. Sorry to bother you." He apologized, fearing that he had wasted his time. "No problem." He stated, the man joining a conversation with a possible companion beside him.

"Come on. Let's continue our investigation." Joseph led the crusaders into leaving the building, it was clear they had no business left at that place. Jotaro nodded his head, an inaudible sound leaving his lips as kakyoin patted his shoulder in comfort.

"I know that building." A voice stated, the others turning around in shock as they saw a man shuffling cards with such ease. It was clear he was an expert. "No doubt about it. It's that building."

The man didn't seem strange, though Kakyoin in particular didn't trust him. Black hair, a mustache, piercing read eyes that could stare through your soul, and weird metal like plates on his cheeks. For what purpose? No one will ever know. "Wait! Was it you who just said that? I just heard someone say they know this building." Joseph asked, his face full of desperation in wanting to save his only daughter.

"Yes it was I, I did indeed say that I know where that mansion that picture is located." He flipped over a card within a circle of them. It was a King; a great card within a deck. "What? Really? That's great to hear!" Joseph neared the man, an overjoyed smile on his face so bright it outshined the bags under his eyes.

"Yes we're pretty lucky do you have found someone who knows where it is just from this picture." Avdol smiled, the fortuneteller having a bit of hope that Holly will be saved from the clutches of the Joestar curse.

"Where, please tell us! Where is it?" Joseph screamed. The man flips a card on the gambling table, each card flipping up into an arch. "Are you asking me to give you the answer for free?" He queried. "You got a point about that sorry." Joseph checked in his pants pocket, before holding out a 10 pound note offering it to the man before him. "I'll pay you 10 pounds. So, where is it?"

He laughed, the man holding his hand out as a card appeared between his fingers. It was almost as if he was a magician. "I love gambling. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills. I can't get enough of them. Well, you could say that I make my living gambling. Do you like gambling?" The mysterious man in question asked, his red eyes gazing at the ace card.

"Im not sure what you getting at." Joseph's rows furrowed together, trying to understand his words. "If you don't like gambling, just say no." He stated, the gambler annoyed. "I'm asking you exactly what you mean by that." Joseph further pressed, hoping he could get an answer out of him. "Well, would you like to make a silly little wager with me? If you win, I'll tell you where the place is for free." He offers another card appearing between his fingers. "Wager? I'm pretty confident when it comes to wagers, but we don't have time to play poker right now. I'll give you another 20 pounds, so please just tell us." Joseph pleads, grabbing out more cash from his pocket.

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