Home with you

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Wednesday. February 1st, 1989- A month after DIO's demise.

Miss Holly had locked the car, already walking towards the Hospital. The woman had a natural cheeriness that day that could draw even the coldest people to smile. The weather was a bit cold, but it was nothing that she couldn't handle. For the past seventeen winters since she's lived in Japan, she's almost become immune to the cold in Tokyo, and of course back Home in the marvelous city of New York.

The Speedwagon Doctors who had already been accustomed to the blonde woman's frequent visits often let her pass up to a certain Redheads hospital room. She smiled gleeful, the blondette making her way up an elevator as she too greeted the Doctors that were supervising the entire floor. "Same place as usual Miss Holly, I trust that Jotaro has been following the Doctor's orders?" A nurse led Miss Holly down a long hallway, wondering about the delinquent.

"Yes, most of the time. Though he's often moving around the house as much as I don't want him to. Now that his cast has been taken off he's being a bit reckless." She giggled slightly, offering a small sigh.

"There's nothing to worry about Miss Kujo. Due to his previous health and interesting abilities he should be healing up a little quicker now." One of the nurses responded, the two arriving at a green painted door with Cherries. "Kakyoin is inside, I'm assuming she has been expecting you to arrive?" The nurse asked, Holly nodding her head as she had already let the recovering girl know. "Alright, I will leave you two, let me know if anything happens that requires attention." The nurse waved Goodbye, Holly thanking them for leading her to the room.

She knocked on the door, the shuffling of books letting her know that kakyoin was reading. "Come in!" A voice from the inside sounded aloud, soft and happy. Holly opened the door, the blondette sending a motherly warm smile towards the redhead. "Hi Miss Holly!" She greeted with small wave and a great big smile.

"Aw hi Kakyoin Chan, how have you been feeling since the last time I saw you?" She asked the red haired beauty, sitting down in a chair next to her. "I'm doing ok, I'm still trying to walk around with my leg braces. So far I can stand up for 10 minutes but afterwards I have to rest. You know i could for 15 but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the best idea for me" She motioned to her legs, the teen grabbing the book from the shelf with hierophant's help.

"Kakyoin chan you could've told me you wanted a book. I would have grabbed it for you. Besides, I don't want you to use up too much energy while you're still recovering." She smiled as her stand waved ever so slightly. Sugar Magnolia was a vine like stand which clearly resembled Joseph's to a degree. Despite the thorns and the flowers that would occasionally be on some vines, it acted just like Hierophants; usually helping Holly with things she cant reach.

"Ah that's right! I forgot you have a stand too! You must be able to see Star Platinum then if Jojo has him out right?" Kakyoin wondered, feeling a bit better that Holly has some knowledge about their little abilities. "Yes of course! It took a long explanation from Papa for me to understand but Sugar Magnolia helps me around the house." Holly smiled, the manifestation of her stand disappearing just as quickly. "Thank you again for bringing me another book. It can get really boring around here sometimes." She handed the red covered book to Holly, the blondette smiling with glee.

"You read really fast, took me a few weeks just to finish this. But you definitely have some free time on your hands. Oh right didn't you have a little dog with you last time?" She mentioned, Kakyoin nodding her head as Iggy appeared on cue. The little dog had already decided himself that he would watch over Kakyoin like a little guardian. Besides he didn't mind her company in the hospital room which would be her home for the next few months.

"There's Iggy." Kakyoin smiled, the little boxer jumping up on her bed before sleeping at the edge of the whitened sheets. "Sometimes i forget he's a stand user too, but i think it's wonderful to have a nice little dog around." Kakyoin smiled briefly, her eyes full of curiosity. "Oh Miss Holly, how has Jotaro been, I haven't seen him since our trip. Is he healing up alright?" She wondered, Kakyoin waiting for an answer.

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