The sun

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The sunshine over the dry desert, it's bright waves sending high amounts of heat done to the Crusaders below. The desert heat was no joke, the plants around them withered and discolored. Joseph began to breathe heavily, beads of sweat making way down the sides of his face. "How could this have happened? I can't believe... I can't believe we were so foolish we actually fell for it."

Jotaro and company stopped the lovers coward. To avoid the politically unstable route, they crossed the Arabizan Sea Isle Karachi, and entered the United Arab Emirates.

"Now once you sign this, you'll be under contract." A man wearing a well pressed tuxedo and a tie informed Joseph as he clapped his hands in delight at his most recent sell. Mr. joestar grabbed a pen and wrote his signature, mind you was impressively well written. The piece of paper in which he signed was a check for $455,833.30, indeed an expensive purchase.

The building in which the Crusaders resided was clearly a place for the wealthiest people in Arabia.The floors were made of black Sleek tiles, the entire area showcasing cars of the finest quality and newest models. "Man, aren't these cars amazing Kakyoin? I've been so used to riding old heaps of junk that it's nice to see something so new. It's quite refreshing if you ask me." Polnareff spoke to Kakyoin who sat right next to him, the redhead smiling slightly. "I'm not as excited as you are but I'm glad that you enjoy it." Polnareff was about to speak once more before he was rudely interrupted by a pack of papers landing on his hair.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt you when you're so busy, but.." Joseph trailed off as the silver haired man became quite aggravated on his well maintained hair being ruined. "Mr. joestar!" Polanreff whined, like a puppy when its favorite toy is ripped. "Come on we're leaving." "Come on! Don't mess with the hair, it takes a long time to maintain." Polnareff complained again, the man fixing his hair with swift motions from his hand.

"Who cares about your hair. We need you to drive." Joseph walks away from the scene, the Frenchman following in tow as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah... I'm coming." he stayed quiet for a moment, before the frenchman began to wonder why the joestar in question purchased a fancy car.

"Mr. Joestar, I was wondering why are we riding in such a fancy expensive car in this Sandy place? Why not get an off-road vehicle?" He asks as he lifted up his brows and surprise, if he had any. Joseph chuckled, the man sending a smirk to the confused Frenchman beside him. "You'll find out soon enough."

The group of stand users we're on the road to their next destination, the luxury car passing by hundreds of houses that could be passed as mansions. "Man, I can't believe this country. Every house we see is like a mansion" How did as he looked out the window, secretly he was quite jealous.

"Indeed.All the houses around here would cost three or ¥4 billion in Tokyo. Apparently this is the norm for the people here. Just 20 years ago, this was all a desert. But thanks to the massive profits from the oil crisis, this place turned into a dream-like city.."Joseph briefly explained as he continued to look at the map in his hands.

"The sun is blazing today, but with the air conditioning in here it's pretty comfortable inside the car. No complaints here." Polnareff adds looking into the rearview mirror, his attention turning to Kakyoin who seemed to be shuffling uncomfortably in her seat.

"What's wrong Noriko?" Jotaro asks her, the delinquent noticing a change in her usually calm attitude. "It's nothing really, the view is quite amazing here that I can't help but look. If anyone was after us I'm sure we'd be able to spot them... But I feel like someone's watching us so I can't help looking back." She messes with her hair, a disturbed expression resting on her picturesque face. "Yeah I can't blame you." Joseph shuffled the map within his grasp, the man staring intently at the new destination.

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