Darby the player part 2

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He shows off his outstanding move, Kakyoin beside beginning to sweat nervously. "My speed will be doubled!" Darby younger concluded, a smile making its way on his sweat ridden face.

"No! You have less power than me! Which means..." She paused for a brief moment, Hierophant assisting her as she pressed the arrow controls; her car in game spinning around in concentric circles once again.

"Kakyoin's 28 has spun and knocked DArby's car off the course! Andit was going out 850 km/h! He's off the course!" Joseph exclaimed with absolute ecstasy, a bright smile on his face as he was ready to congratulate the lass for her amazing win. Within the game, her car safely landed onto the tracks, continuing on to the finish line. "The one with less power goes flying. It seems you were wrong to think that losing power wouldn't matter." She stated, giving the man a smirk.
"You didn't realize I intentionally dropped a life behind you, so I could knock you off the course."

Darby smiled, his eyes turning to the redhead who seemed to notice his rather smug change in attitude. "Really? It's you who didn't realize. Losing power was all part of my plan!" He stated as he watched with glee as her smug smile faltered.

"I lost power on purpose so you could push my car off the course! This battle is an over yet. Look at the direction of my machine is flying!" He motions as the three users stared at the screen with shocked expressions, and one of fear. "What?!" She screamed out, standing up from her seat. "It flew over the curb and landed further ahead on the course!" Joseph exclaimed, a grief stricken expression resting on his age worn face.

"No... That's impossible!" She sat back down in her chair, breathing out the air that she held a few moments prior. "That's right. Normally, it's impossible. Even at 850 km/h, once you're off the course, your crash onto the ground. You could never reach the next part of the course. Kakyoin, if you were to slam into me, it would become possible. I just needed you to send me flying." He explained to her, as if the younger girl in question didn't know what he meant.

"It was all part of my plan to reduce my power, then have you hit me. Now then, shall we continue to race then Miss Noriko?" Darby younger held the controller to her, taunting her defeat as her first nme left his lips. Her name was only reserved for Jotaro, this man had no right to say it. Yet she kept a straight face, her eyes staring at the screen like a zombie in the midst of an apocalypse.

She stopped breathing for a moment, a sad look upon her face. She couldve been brought out from her trance as a warm hand was pressed against her shoulder. "Don't admit defeat Noriko!" Jotaro pleaded, his eyes showing concern, yet to other people it would just seem like a cold stare. Kakyoin turned her head to head to him. "I'm sorry.." She breathed her last, as Atum dragged her crying soul from her body, quickly being placed into the beautiful porcelain doll that rested within Darbys hands. "Now I hold Kakyois soul within my hands. She admitted within her heart that it was pointless to continue this race." He stated, the body of Kakyoin Noriko falling by Jotaro's feet.

Her Body was so pale, she was cold. The rosiness in her skin that Jotaro loved diminished before his eyes, her bright red hair sprawled out along the grassy area as it hid her beautiful face. Where there was life and full of life, was now replaced by death. Kakyoin Noriko.. Was dead.

Jotaro quickly kneeled close to her, bringing her smaller body into his arms as he looked on her face. She held no expression on her face, it almost seemed like she was asleep, but she was not. She was white as a ghost, her hand resting against the grass.

"Kakyoin , you were the first to ever make me sweat like this. This doll is know especially a valuable part of my collection. My new favorite." He twirled the dolls hair between his fingers, pressing the porcelain close to his cheek in adoration. "She is the first opponent to overcome her fears and not make any mistakes due to mental weakness." He wiped the lasting sweat from his face, observing the dool like a predator with his prey, he was a sick and repulsive man.

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