The lovers

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After capturing Enyaba, Jojo's group acquired a carriage. They then arrived in Karachi, the coastal town that leads Pakistan in commerce and industry, which lies near the Indus River Delta.

The horse drawn carriage gallops around the barren streets of the small town, the stand users traversing to their next location. Joseph looks around, the man noticing a kebab stand. His eyes widened in surprise at the delicious scent. "Why don't we stop and get something to eat?" he asks his fellow stand users, the group too tired to reply.

Doner kebabs Are the hamburgers of the Middle East! A slab with meat is placed on a spit, and its surface roast as it turns. They then shave off the cooked meat and eat it on bread. It is quite a delicious dish.

"Excuse me. I'd like five of those." Joseph asks the staller, the man turning to JOseph with a rather mischievous smile. "Five will cost you a thousand yen."He motions with his hand. "Hm a thousands yen?" Joseph questions as he takes off his hat.In the Middle East, the logic of Japan and The West doesn't apply at all. Namely, prices are very unspecific. Foreigners who come here for the first time with no understanding of the art of haggling have no idea what things cost and are easily exploited. But in this world, such exploitation is not seen as a bad thing. The one who was tricked into buying it is seen as an idiot. I will explain now how to buy things!

"A thousand yen?" Joseph asks with a smile. In this situation, for instance, act like you see through the trick...

He laughs cockily. Don't mock me now! That's far too much." And laugh out loud. And then...

"Well then, how much would you like to buy them for?" The vendor points a finger into his face obviously annoyed. ... They will ask the customer how much they're willing to pay.

"Hm make it 250 yen." In return, the customer named the price so low, you'd feel a bit guilty even saying it, and then... the vendor laughs. They'll take the attitude,Seriously? Have you no sense?And act as though you're mocking them...

"My! If i sold them for that much my family would starve to death." The vender makes a gesture of his head being cut off. Then they will gesture as if their head was being cut off.But you mustn't give up yet.

"Then maybe ill just buy them somewhere else then." Act like you're leaving.

He begins to leave before hes stopped by the vendor. "Okay friend! I'm very kind to foreigners I'll sell you for 700 Yen." Then they'll say that to try and stop you. "Make it 300." Let the haggling begin!




They scream price after price, before the two finally agree.


"I'll take them!" Joseph smiles victoriously. "Alright! I got them for less than half his original price! Take that! I made it out like a bandit!" And just as you think that...

"I usually sell them for 150 yen. Bye bye thank you!" The vendor speaks as Joseph walks away holding the bag of food in hand. Turning to his group he stops in his tracks, the man dropping the bag of food onto the floor. Enyaba stared at him, her eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. "Hey the old lady is awake!." He points at Enyaba, the crusaders turning their attention towards the older woman who seemed to be sweating nervously. "I- I haven't said anything! W-Why are you here before me? Do you really think that I, Enyaba, actually told them the secret to Lord Dios Stand?!"

The crusaders looked towards the vendor from earlier, the air surrounding them suffocating. Taking off his sunglasses and the garb he wore he stared at them with menacing eyes. He was quite handsome, chestnut brown hair, and appeared to have too many slits upon his brow. Enyaba had tentacles coming from her eyes then mouth as they elongated, breaking the carriage as the crusaders struggled to get out to avoid getting gravely injured. "Wh-what the hell are these tentacles?!" Polnareff exclaimed, the man looking at the scene with disgust. "Why. Have you come to kill me?!"

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