Set alessi part 1

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"Let's go back in time Shall we? While Joseph and Avdol were fighting Mariah, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Kakyoin were...."

Three small girls were playing in a puddle of Mudd, in their own make-believe world; to keep it simple. A restaurant roleplay. "Here you are ma'am. Your bourbon whiskey and soda on the rocks. Enjoy." One child offerent a cup full of mud to her friend, the friend in question accepting it graciously. "Oh, it looks so good." She pretended to gulp the so called drink, a silly smile painted on her childish face.

"My, you drink that down so quickly this early in the morning!" One of them put a hand over their mouth in surprise. "it's fine. My husband is on a business trip and won't be home for a week." He dismissed her comment by waving her hand airly, a small chuckle leaving her lips. "Have some cake." A child offered a plate of mud, such imaginative minds. "Why thank you. I don't mind if I do."

Kakyoin looked at the group of children a small chuckle leaving her lips. "Kids these days are so innocent." Polnareff commented, the man missing his happy childhood days. "Yes, I miss those days when I was a child. The memories are so fun." She stated with a smile, meanwhile Jotaro checked his watch as a frown appeared on his chiseled features.

"It's almost 9. The old man and Abdul are pretty late." He spoke with a hint of annoyance, the two users looking at him seriously. "They may have encountered an enemy stand user. Maybe we should go look for them." Kakyoin suggested. "Yeah, as much as I would hate to believe it, it seems to be the most logical answer. We're in enemy territory after all." Polnareff commented, the man standing up from his knelt position. "Yare Yare daze." Jotaro tilted his hat down, the man leaving. "Come on Iggy, lets go." Kakyoin knelt down holding her arms out to the dog, strangely enough the little menace let her carry him.

He growled loudly, the teen petting the top of his head. "I know, I know you're hungry. I am too." Polnareff commented, the three of them walking away from the scene. Not after long he jumped out of her arms, the little dog leaving in search of some food he could steal. "Oh there he goes." Kakyoin shrugged. "Hey where are you going?! Damn it you stupid mutt!" Polnareff commented. "Lets go." Jotaro called the two users..

After 3 begin to walk away, unknowingly there seem to be a stranger following them. His presence alone was all too sinister.

"Hey! Let me play with you guys too." A young boy called out to the girls who continued to play their little game. "You're too picky so no." Another girl pointed at him, refusing to let the boy play with them. "Don't be like that!" The smaller boy commented before running into a man, mud spilling on his white pants. The girls seemed to stare at the older mn, the younger boy's eyes widening as he looked up to gaze at the odd looking character. Not only was his clothes strange, but his choice of hairstyle was rather odd. It almost appeared like a tootsie roll candy, small bells dangling from his head. What an odd character indeed.

His presence was calm, the man kneeling down to meet the younger boys height. "You didn't cry little boy. Very good, are you hurt?" He questioned with a soothing tone, the man adjusting his glasses. The smaller child nodded his head slowly, earring a firm nod from the adult. "How old are you little boy?" He wondered, the boy holding out four fingers in front of him.

"Four" Very good. Where is your daddy right now?" He further questioned the young lad, the child becoming comfortable within the strangers presence. "Working." He smiled,the man resting his hand against his shoulder.

"So your dad's away at work, very good. And your mother?" He raised his eyebrow. "She's at home doing laundry." He remarked, the younger boy standing up from his spot.

"Very good. So you're here playing by yourself?" His smile faltered for a brief moment. "Yes." He nodded his head to this question as well; the poor young boy unknowingly meeting his little beatdown.

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