High priestess part one

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The red sea. Divers all agree. It is the most beautiful city in the world. The East and West Shores are both red deserts, which is why it is known as the Red Sea. There are no cities nearby that pollute it , Nor rivers that flow into it, it is an unsullied sea.

Avdol was sitting at the controls, the man driving the ship with great care. Polnareff and Joseph stood around the control areas, the two looking over each button and wondering what it could do.

Kakyoin sat down on the cushioned bench looking out the submarine window as fish and colorful coral passed by. Jotaros head rested against her shoulder, as Kakyoin twirled a bit of his hair. He could try to get some sleep; as if he would receive any. "Hey, can you drive this thing Avdol?" Polnareff asks him,The silver-haired man giving his closest friend a questionable look. "Yes I can, it's no problem." The fortune-teller responded as he gave a playful flick in the head to him.

"Hey I can drive it too you know." Joseph beside him perks up at his own request. "No you're not driving this thing. I'm not letting you crash us again." Jotaro said aloud his eyes closed. The others turned around at the sound of his voice, clearly shocked by the way he was resting. Stunned to say the least, by the subtle display of affection, but not the slightest bit surprised. They all figured something like this was inevitable. The two were clearly inseparable, out of the entire group.. they bonded the most.

"Geez, my grandson Is so harsh!" Joseph whined like a little kid. Kakyoin looked at them, the teen laughing silently to Jotaro's harsh words. "A submarine huh? This is my first time in one. But it's not as cramped as I expected it to be." She spoke while her eyes looked around the ship. "Yeah, This is a vessel that the Rich used to explore the Seafloor for pleasure. As you can see it even had windows." He gestures as polnareff runs to them.

"Woah! I've always kind of liked this sort of thing. I wish I could've ridden it with someone cute." He pouts, unaware of a certain fortune teller feeling a tad jealous. "I see you never changed Polnareff, we didn't come here to play." Avdol turns around to give him a small glance, his silver haired companion noticing a small green compass on the controls.

"What's that?" He asks openly. "It's a sonar, it uses reflected sound waves to detect things underwater, a bit like a radar." Joseph responds to the Frenchman's query. "Wow!" Polnareff marveled, the man still in awe of the massive submarine. "It's all clear. Nothing is coming towards us." Avdol reassures them. "With this, we can detect anyone trying to attack us, from any direction." Joseph proudly tells the group. "But if we were to be attacked in here, we'd have nowhere to run to. We are 60 m below sea level, after all." Jotaro adds, sensing Kakyoin's nervousness, as she twirled her hair in her fingers. A trait he noticed when they began their journey together.

"I guess this is to be expected of a pleasure cruiser for the wealthy. A refrigerator, coffee maker, not to mention the latest satellite phones." Kakyoin observes, her eyes observing everything in sight. "Wow! Can you get me a drink Kakyoin? I'm parched." Polnareff asks. "Same here." Joseph adds. "Sorry Jojo I have to get up." She apologized for a moment while she got up from her seat. "Is Cola ok?" She asks them before hearing Jotaros voice. "Hey old man. What's the matter? You're just standing there." Jotaro asks his grandpa, the raven haired male folding his arms together

"Everyone be quiet for a moment. I'm going to make a phone call." Joseph responds, his hand in the air as a motion for them to stay quiet. "A phone call? To where?" Polnareff wonders, the man furrowing his non existent eyebrows.

"It must be very important, if you're calling from here." Kakyoin adds. "Yes, it's an important and delicate manner. Everyone, please be quiet." Joseph spoke with a serious tone, the man dialling the numbers for whom he wished to call.

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