The tower of grey

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Jotaro Kujo stood In front of her home again, it was early in the morning; 6am to be precise.

It was not the best time to wake Jotaro kujo, who loved to sleep. He knocked on her door hearing a bit of shuffling from inside.

'I'm coming, please wait a moment." Her cute voice made the delinquent smile, quickly fading as soon as it came.

Kakyoin unlocked her door, meeting face to face with him.

Kakyoin had already prepared everything in advance, in fear Joseph would do his best to leave her Behind.
She wore her signature red heels are earrings. Along with her uniform. Her hair was left down, the ends curling in. Sometimes she would braid it, though she mostly preferred when it was in its natural state.

"Oh Jotaro why are you here so early?" She asked, she knew they were going to leave to the airport early but she never expected
Go be THIS early

"Old man insisted That we leave here now, our flight leaves at 12." He says still annoyed by his grandpa.

"Really?! 12!" She rubbed her eyes in annoyance. "I see. Well come inside I still need to get a few things." She motions with her hand for him to come inside as he obeys. The inside of her home was clean, very clean. There was Kitchen an the other side of the room, the living room merging with it. A small hallway which most likely led towards her room and her family.

Picture frames were lines against the wall in a straight line. One catching his eye. It was a picture of a little girl, her hair tied in two small pigtails. She wore a cherry top and gave her best smile. It was Noriko, perhaps maybe age 5 He looked at it closer feeling some sort of connection to it, later shrugging it off as he waited for the teen.

The smaller teen came back with a small suitcase that reached her to her knee.
He looked at her and asked " First off why are you wearing your uniform, second how did you manage to fit everything you need inside a small suitcase?"

"When you travel for most of your life you learn a thing or two, and also that's pretty funny from someone who wears their uniform everyday."

" touché" he tells her.

She was about to grab her luggage when stopped her. "I'll carry it."

Kakyoin smirked as she asked, "Are you sure Jotaro." She snickers.

He nods his head, he lifted it with as much force as he could but it was way too heavy. "What the hell kakyoin, what do you even have in here. Bricks.?!" He immediately questioned her.

She laughed behind her hand. "I'll tell you later, I'll give you a hint though. It will greatly benefit us on our journey." She quickly picks up her suitcase with no effort, heirophant helping her just a little. They walk towards the car and puts her suitcase in the trunk as the crusaders begin to drive to the airport

While boarding the plane she was seated next to Avdol, the row behind them included Mr. Joestar and Jotaro. There weren't a lot of people on this plane to Egypt so there were a lot of empty seats.

Avdol offered her his window seat, the teen gratefully accepting his offer. she looked out the window. The airplane was leaving the runway at a high speed, Noriko looking at the place she called home disappearing behind her.

They were traveling to an unknown country to deal with a Joestar enemy, whos most likely older than all of them out together. Hundreds of questions went through her mind.

What would happen to them? What if we can't defeat him? Will there be other users? When will this be over? Will she really come back alive? She questioned those over and over.

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