Womanly strength

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Hello welcome to my fanfiction, I have no right to the jojo manga or anime for that belongs to araki. All characters are his not my own
There will be a story line, well my best attempts at it. Thank you and enjoy

September 4, 1988.

Jotaro has left his home early that morning. His grandfather came to their home along with strange man. A fortune teller who had a incredible ability. A stand.

What is a stand you ask? A stand is the basic manifestation of your soul, but it's not common. It only appears in certain people, people like Avdol. That was his name.

He had aquired his stand not too long ago, a purple being that was twice the size of him. He had been in a fight with other delinquents behind the school he attended. He injured then badly during the fight, leaving most of them hospitalized.

He had turned himself in, wanting to be behind bars for his "crime". He didn't want to harm anyone, especially his mom.

He had called This manifestation, s spirit who had possessed him. He labeled this.... thing that.

His mother had came in begging for her son to come home with her, but he didn't budge. Instead he stayed inside the cell. His grandfather who he had only met a few times throughout his life, visited him too, hoping to coax the teen into coming out.

That's when Avdol stepped in, explaining to Jotaro that the ghost, or evil spirit, was just there to protect him from enemy stand users. After a battle in which Avdol was victorious, they had left from police custody.

And yet here he was walking towards school, a group of girls following beside him, almost begging for his attention. If a glare was sent their way,they were happy, if he yelled at them they were happy. He just didn't understand it, and besides it annoyed the ever living shit out of him.

They had began to bicker over him, the teen raising his voice to them. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE GETTING ON MY NERVES!" He snarled, hid eyes giving them a spine chilling glare. To his disappointment they just blushed and began to say he was cool and other things like that.

He saw his school in the distance, the large plaque above reading Somei High. He let out a sigh as he walked down the stairs. Unknown to him.. there was a person watching his every move, their eyes watching him like a hawk.

"So that's him? He certainly matches the description my master has given me." A female voice said aloud, her body hidden behind the bark of a tree.

She held a canvas in her arm, a paintbrush on her hand, the bristles stained red. "Jotaro Kujo.." she eyed him as something came from her person, a green tenticle becoming invisible within seconds. With a swift motion of her hand, she slashed the canvas with red paint. The picture of an abstract delinquent was pasted along the white frame, her eyes hardening.

Down below, Jotaro had received a hash from an unknown force. His black pants were ripped as he stubbled, loosing his footing; he fell down the stairs. If it wansnt for Star Platinum grabbing onto a tree branch, the damage would've been much worse. He landed on a bush outside of the stair case, his body finding its permanent place on the warm pavement.

"My my.. it seems he does have a powerful stand after all. No matter, his stand is no match for my Hierophant green." The girls voice was laced with venom. The canvas and paint bish in his arms were destroyed on an instant, the splinters of wood and white canvas cloth falling on the floor beneath her.

The girls that had surrounded him earlier ran down the stairs asking if he was alright. A few of them offering to help him. Some of them wondered how he must have tripped, the raven haired male also wondering this. To his confusion and disappointment, nothing out of the blue appeared. He couldn't have tripped on a branch, maybe loosing his footing. No.. he was not clumsy.

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