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Consciousness came slowly to the delinquent in question. The raven haired male opening his eyes ever so slightly, the bright lights forcing him to readjust to his surroundings.

Sitting up slowly he observed his situation. He was in a medical cot, bandages covered the entirety of his chest and a cast on his arm. He couldn't move, well.. not that much anyways. The loud noise from the ICU beeped loudly by his bedside, doing it's job by monitoring his vitals.

The room was nothing but the monotonous color of white. White walls, white machines, white everything. He took it upon himself to stand up but It took a lot of energy out of him just to do so. The medical gown itched his skin much to his annoyance but he didn't let it bother him so much.

Despite his best efforts to think of something other than the feeling of death, Violet's eyes appeared in his mind; thousands of questions along with it. He tossed his head back, grimacing at the stiffness in his neck and the soreness in his bones. Distraction, he needed a Distraction. A better one this time instead of childhood memories.

Finding that his efforts were fruitless, he was tempted to use Star Platinum to assist him out of his own bed. But before he could move a finger, the door door opened.

A woman enters his field of vision. The strange woman wore a white coat coat, a small pair of glasses that rested against the bridge of her nose. In one hand she had a pen, and a clipboard in the other."Glad to see you're doing well Mister Kujo. I didn't expect you to awake so soon." She stated calmly as she checked his vitals before jotting something down on her clipboard; in perfectly neat penmanship. Finishing her small task, she turned her full attention towards the delinquent.

"You're our star patient, no pun intended. It's not everyday we take care of a hero." She comments half smiling a bit.

"Who are you?" He asks, narrowing his eyes into miniscule slits.

"I'm Doctor Satome Mister Kujo, I work with the Speedwagon foundation." She showed off her badge, the young doctor fixing her slipping glasses. "You're a special case."

"Oh." He responded as his stiffened shoulders relaxed. "How long have I been out?" He asks her aloud, the doctor flipping some pages before returning her gaze to him.

"Approximately 50 hours. Because your body went through a dangerous amount of stress, not to mention a few superficial injuries; we made the decision to put you in a medically induced coma for a little bit." She sets the clipboard down and typed something on a computer.

"Overall you're expected to make a full recovery quite quickly thanks to your youth and prior health. I must tell you the importance of bed rest for the next week. I don't want you getting up, moving around, nothing. Not even your stand. Do I make myself clear?" She raised an eyebrow towards him. It wasn't a warning, it was an order.

"What about my grandfather Joseph Joestar is he..?"

"He is making a full recovery. Other Doctors are looking after him and watching him closely. He's in the private ward room. Had you been in a more stable condition, we would have arranged for you to be with him as well. Furthermore I feel comfortable keeping you in the ICU until further notice. You should expect them to visit some time during the week once they have been given permission to leave the premises."

He lets out a deep sigh, running a hand through his tangled hair.

"I'm sure you already saw them earlier but Avdol and Iggy's surgery were successful I'm happy to say. Avdol is still trying to get used to the new prosthetic arms, by the end of this week he should be up and running again. Iggy on the other hand needed another blood transfusion, my colleagues have mended his ribs and fixed his leg. We put him in a coma so his body can heal faster, and our scientists are prepping an extra prosthetic for him just in case he does something... outgoing." She recalled, Jotaro just listening to what she had to say regardless if he knew of their procedures.

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