To the  Desert Sands

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"Jotaro!" Joseph called his name loudly throughout the house. He looked everywhere, until he came across the two teenagers silwntly talking to one another.

"Jotaro. We all need to talk, hurry up with your conversation and head to the to the tea room." He told his grandson off with a bit of annoyance.

With an annoyed grunt he Stood up where he he was sitting and held his hand out to her. "Oi, you're coming too, cmon." He said in a matter of a fact tone. She accepted his hand greatfully, as she stood belong said him.

He may be a delinquent but he's not a complete jerk' kakyoin thought to herself, the young teen following Jotaro to their destination.

"Before you say anything Mr Joestar I'd like to say something." She announced sitting down on a cushion.

"I believe Dio is inviting us." Kakyoin said to rhe two older gentleman who sat across from her. Both of them giving her a questioning look. "What do you mean Kakyoin?" Joseph asked the girl.

"I think Dio felt when the fleshbud was taken from me. I felt a chilling sensation just a few moments ago, I figured it could be a sign." She finished.

"She could be right Mr Joestar. He's been under the sea for 100 years gathering his strength and getting used to his body." He finishes.

"He wants us to find him because he knows he could go against with whatever power he has." She tells the gentlemen in the room with stern eyes.

"That seems like something that needs to be investigated though Kakyoin."

"How are we going to find Dio he could be anywhere!" I've already tried taking pictures with hermit purple and all of them end up the same!"

He explains frustration laced in his voice. Joesph pulled a few Polaroid pictures from his pocket laying out the pictures on the table for the small group to see.

Jotaro snatching a few photographs from the table, the teen beside him looking at the photos in disgust.

Dio stood in one place, posing like a model magazine shoot. His body was faced against them, his face blocked out by the surrounding shadows. A purple star shaped birthmark was on the name of his neck.

He was inviting them alright, mocking them.

"Star platinum can probably find something in the photo, his abilities are superior to mine." He says.

Noriko quickly Grabbed a pen and notebook from her bag handing it to the male. "Here he can use this to draw whatever he finds."

Grateful for the items, he gave it to star who immediately drew what he saw in the photo . Finishing it up he puts in on the table, while everyone gazed upon it. The drawing was nothing big, but it was a small fly.

Kakyoin looks at it eyes wide. "Jotaro! Do you have a library somewhere? It's important!" She asks him. He nods his head telling her the location of where it is in the house as she runs towards it.

Bringing back a book she opens a page of the exact fly matching Stars drawing. "It's a Nile est Ue." She says showing it to the men which immediately look at the book. "Yes it seems it is, Do you know something about it kakyoin-San?" Avdol asks reading the small bit of information from the book page.

"Only a little, I read about it before heading over there. It's somewhere in the Nile river basin I think." She says a hand on her chin deeply in thought. "Egypt! Of all places of course it's Egypt. Why didn't I think of that sooner." She crossed her arms in frustration.

Avdol responda, "Is there something that happened in Egypt? You seem to be pretty upset about it." He noticed her glare.

"I went on a trip with my family 2 months ago, our destination was in Egypt. That was where I met him. That's where I received the fleshbud." She said remembering what happened as it gave her small chills.

He nods his head as his hand flipped to another page of the book. "These flies with markings are in the Andan area, that narrows our search a bit." He says his arms folded.

Jotaro get ready we're leaving immediately!" Joseph announces.

Pardon me Mr Joestar, but I think this is much too soon. Jotaro got his stand perhaps a week ago. Smart as he is I don't think he knows how to fully control it yet. No offense." She gives a apologetic look towards the male.

"Kakyoins right, for now we need to plan it out. We don't know what Dio has up his sleeve." Avdol eases the silence. "Kakyoin I would like for you to come with us, you've had your stand since birth and clearly have more experience." Avdol says looking at kakyoin.

"No, she isn't." Joseph crosses his arms glaring at the teen who only glared back.

"And why is that. Mr. Joestar!?" She almost yelled at him, doing her best to keep her composure.

"Oi shut it old man, she's going whether you like it or not, if she doesn't I won't either." He said standing next to her protectively.

He knows that she can take care of herself, she doesn't deserve to be seen as weak. For him to leave her behind with the possibility of other stand users coming fro her.. it didn't sit well with him.

"Fine We'll leave tomorrow morning. Avdol and I will plan accordingly. Everyone pack your things, it's going to be a bizarre adventure"

"Thank you Miss holly for your hospitality, I should be heading home now. I have a lot to pack." She says bowing her head in respect, being her elegant self as usual. "Of course kakyoin, are you sure you don't want to stay? I hope you don't have to walk home too far."

(Sorry it's like seven pm. Ignore the time from the last chapter)

Holly said with concern lacing her voice. The sun was starting to set but kakyoin was sure wanted to walk home. As she was about to leave Jotaro saw her and walked over to her standing by her side.

"Jotaro you don't have to come with me, I can protect myself you know." she said facing him.

He just rolled his eyes at the teen. Don't you roll your eyes at me Mister Kujo." she said her eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

After 10 minutes of walking they arrived at kakyoins home. Surprisingly she lived relatively close to Jotaro. If they had driven to her home it wouldve taken approximately 5 minutes.

"Thanks again for walking me home, tell your mother I said thank you again." She was about to head towards the door when she heard him say "wait.0 She stopped in her tracks tracks as she turned towards him.

"Yes?" she responded.

"How are you going to tell your parents you're heading to Egypt." He asks his hands in his pockets. She pauses looking into his eyes,

"They're .. not around right now, they're not going to be back for a really long time."

She smiles trying to hide the pain in her eyes. She couldn't tell him that her parents were dead, she didn't need any pity.

Not wanting to pry, he responded. "Fine. I'm sure the others will be here early in the morning. See you." He began to leave, her quiet voice stopping him in his tracks.

"Jotaro... what if I don't make out of this alive?" She asks him as her hands shakily wrapped around her arms.

"You will." Jotaro responds with determination in his eyes. The coldness was gone from his voice, instead replaced with warmth and protectiveness. He will protect her, even if it cost him his life.

She gave him her best smile. "Alright. I'll trust you."

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