The emperor and the hanged man pt 1

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"We travelled from Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore. Now we're about to arrive in India!" Avdol announced to his companions, his voice holding excitement.

A few of the crusaders looked at each other with worried glances, the older joestar and the Frenchman definitely had their doubts.

"Avdol. I am little worried about arriving, sorry to say. My image of India is where people only eat curry and you could fall ill at any time. No offense." Joseph speaks aloud, a bit of a nervous sweat forming upon his forhead.

Polnareff besides him nods his head in agreement, folding his arms as he too replies.

"I don't think i will be able to handle the culture gap Avdol. I fear it will be too much." He confesses.

Avdol laughs aloud, a proud smile never leaving his face.

"Well, Your assessment is a bit distorted. But there is nothing to worry about! Don't you worry an inch. Its a very nice country where simple people live and enjoy their lives." He finishes.

The boat they were on halts to a stop, the sudden movement making a few of the crusaders loose their balance.

"We've arrived in Calcutta. Lets continue on with our Journey. Onward my friends." Avdol opens up the ships heavy door. With Avdol leading them, Jotaro and co. Walked along the boardwalk, their feet finally setting on firm ground.

Not even a minute passed by, each of them surrounded by the inhabitants of the small town. The crowd of people screaming out offers and saying a few strange things that alarmed the foreigners.

"Hey give me a tip! Otherwise you won't go to heaven!" A child tugged on jotaros coat.

I can find a hotel for you sir?" One asked Joseph. "No that's not necessary thank you." Joseph sweatdropped his eyes widening in surprise.

"I can carry that for you." Another man offered.

A few men that were well above kakyoins age bombarded the red haired teen. "You're so beautiful! Please be my wife." One offered, a few others begging her. "I- n-no i don't think I'm ready for marriage." She stuttered.

Noriko felt a little overwhelmed, she wasn't used to a crowd this big. Jotaro seeing her distressed stood behind her, his protective but menacing aura scaring away the crowd of suitors that surrounded her.

"No.. my wallets been stolen. Damn!" She sighed In disappointment, the teen giving Jotaro a grateful smile.

Need some antidote? I promise you it wont hurt your stomach." An old man offered to Jotaro. The delinquent giving him a look of annoyance.

The crowd of people around them constantly continued to ask questions.

"No, I'm OK I don't want a tattoo." Kakyoin turned down an woman's offer.

"Hey don't put your nose on it!" Polnareff screamed at a little kid, his snot getting in his worn burlap bag.

"Crap i stepped on cow shit!" Joseph said in dismay.

"Avdol is this India?!" the distressed question of Joseph could be heard from afar.

"Yes it is, that's what makes it such a wonderful country!" He laughs aloud.

In a busy street, there's a hotel in the corner, grand but a little worn down.

The crusaders were inside sitting at a table together, Joseph bringing a cup of tea to his lips.

"That is Chai tea, its quite delicious." The fortuneteller told the Older man beside him.

Joseph nodded in reply, the man switly drinking the hot liquid in a matter of seconds.

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