Chapter 29

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"Simple, I just wanted to leave...I felt like a burden to everyone, who only brings chaos wherever we go. My anger got the best of me one day and Angel ended up getting hurt. That was the last straw in our relationship, we've since broken up. It's been years since I ever heard or saw him." Meliodas answered briefly. Merlin and the others stared at him for a bit before taking a deep sigh and believing him. Arthur scratched the back of his spiky head. "You know...instead of running away from your problems, you could've either just face them or ask for help. I know at the time, I was injured. But I'm still someone that you could have talked to, Meliodas. The rest of the sins as well. Tell me what was your biggest regret,,," Meliodas eyes widen a bit with a short but sharp and quiet gasp.

His tightened his face as he looks shamefully at the ground, "Hurting Tristian and leaving him behind." He answered again, this time holding back tears. King walked near the right side of Arthur, crossing his arms. "Well...what are you going to do to fix all of this and be better for yourself? We can only do so much. Besides, this is your battle. We're your allies." King asked, with an eyebrow raised. Meliodas was about to respond but stopped when he noticed the birds traveling West instead of East at a fast face. The wind growing a bit stron* as the blue sky turned dark and gray. The leaves of the trees rustled violently as a black aura seeped through behind the group. Everyone turned around and were shocked at who they see.

Meliodas couldn't believe it too.

"Zeldris...your...the new demon king? How did you-"

The demon king slowly trotted foward, snickering as he watches the color being drained on everyone's faces. He opens his arms side at Meliodas, red eyes burning through his brother's skull.

"I'm here Meliodas...let's go home. Don't make me do this the hard way."
Florist spotted Tristian outside through one of the many windows in the Camelot castle. She quickly ran downstairs and put the main door. Tristian could hear quickly footsteps and looked up, chuckling to see his girlfriend charging at him.

"Tristian! Welcome home!" Once she got close enough, Florist jumped right into his arms, holding him close. The boy smiled softly and kissed her cheek loving. "Thank you, princess. How was Camelot while I was gone?" Florist answered while raking her fingers gently through his hair, "It's been good. The paperwork was boring and hard to finish." Tristian started walking inside the castle, with Florist still in his arms. It wasn't until they reunited, that Tristian realized just how much he loves and misses Florist.

Once the two reached his room and got comfortable on the bed, Florist spoke again. "How was it? Did you get to meet your mother again? I thought that...hey, what's wrong?" Tristian just shook his head, thinning his lips and sporting a frown at the same time. Fortunately, the girl wasn't having it. She turned her whole body to face him and cupped his face in both of her hands.

Finally, Tristian started to explain everything. "Yeah...I did meet him. Everything was pretty good except for one thing, this girl named Marie. She just gave off bad vibes. To be honest, that place of where I found him made me feel all weird and shit. I tried to tell him my fears and to be careful. Also, I tried to convince him to come back home..but he..refused. My own mother...refused. It feels like he rejected me." Florist peers at him for a long time, wanting to see if he will let himself go and feel what he wants to feels. What he needs to feel in order to spiritually cleanse himself.

But he still hold back.

"Babe... I need you to let go, okay? Allow yourself to feel that hurt, to feel that longing and sadness. It's okay to cry. C'mon Tristian, cry. You can do it...there you go, I got you. I got you." She held him close to her as he sobs uncontrollably, broken wails filling the walls of his room. Servants who were outside the door felt sympathy towards the boy. Knowing somewhat of what he had gone through over the years.

Florist continued to hold him as Tristian cried until the early evening.
"Hey love, wake up. It's time for you to eat." Florist whispers, gently shaking her boyfriend awake. It too a minute, but Tristian eventually opened his eyes, looking at the girl with a smile on his face. Reaching a hand up to cup one of her cheeks lovingly. "How did I get to be so lucky to be with you?" Florist blushed and playfully slapped the side of his head. "Let's have you eat now, here." Tristian sat up and gratefully took the food, already chomping everything down like the food champ he is. He was a little over halfway done with his meal when he noticed that Florist hadn't eaten in a while.

He made note of that our loud, "Hey...where is your food? You can eat too, ya know. That lollipop can't last you through the rest of the day." Florist smiled and leaned down to briefly kiss his forehead. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Besides... I need to watch out with how much I eat so that I can finally lose weight and fit the standards." That confused the hell out of the boy.

"Huh...what standards? I don't think I'm aware of this." Tristian asked.

Florist blushed even more, looking down at her now fumbling hands. "Beauty and body standards Tristian. As I'm sure you have noticed, unless if lucky or from a wealthy family, most people who are plus sized don't get as much opportunities as those who are skinny. Especially people of color." Tristian made a 'tck' sound with his mouth and dragged Florist into his lap by the hips. A small gasp came from the girl as Tristian held her close to him this time around.

Tristian leaned down slightly to kiss the 'top' of her stomach that was bulging out in her dress. "Baby...I'm glad your focused on your health. But this shouldn't be the reason. Besides, your beautiful the way you are. There's no manual on how you're suppose to look. Whoever attempted to make one is just plain stupid. So, promise me that you will be healthy just for yourself and not because of something like this." Florist grinned and nodded her head. "I promise." Tristian matched her expression and brought her face closer to his.

"Good." He whispered voicelessly, before engaging her in a deep passionate kiss.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now