Author's note

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Hello everyone!

Just wanted to introduce myself to those who will be tuning in to this story. I hope to make you all and Hasa3810loveyaoi proud. I will try my best to upload as much as I can. But I will sometimes be busy with school and just life in general. The story will pick off from where we last left off with Meliodas(the last story type of chapter, if that makes sense). I might post a chapter sometime in the next coming week, or even tomorrow if lucky and have time.

Hope you guys enjoy and thanks again to the original author of "Are you Zel" for giving me this honor!


(P.S, feel free to suggest ideas and maybe even check out my other works of you want to. I would appreciate that a lot ^_^ )

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now