Chapter 6

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(Originally posted at around 12/1am in the morning. Changed "dinner" to "breakfast." Sorry for that!)

While Meliodas and Angel seem to be going to have a great night, that couldn't be said for Arthur. He already had a crib and some toys placed in his own room for Tristian to feel more like home. Even after feeding the baby, changing his diaper, cleaning and playing with him...

Why is he crying? What more does he want?!

Arthur is just sitting there, already looking like he's dead while cradling a sobbing Tristian in his arms. He has tried to let maids who offered to watch Tristian take him but the babe wasn't having any of it. With his hands fisted in Arthur's undershirt even tighter.

He looks down and sees the necklace Tristian has been wearing. Immediately, the type of necklace was recognizable to him, giving Arthur an idea. He gently took ahold of Tristian's left hand, placing it on the heart while opening it at the same time.

"Ah...hey buddy, look. It's your mama."

Tristian stopped crying with a small gasp, he slowly turned to look up at Arthur who was smiling at him softly, "..m-m-mama?"

Arthur nodded his head, wiping away the little one's tears and taking a napkin to clean Tristian's nose. "Yes, look down at the necklace."

"Ah-Kay," he takes the heart of the necklace in his hands and saw his favorite picture of him and Meliodas, "Mama! Yayyyy! Tank ya, r-dur." Tristian snuggles closer to Arthur, yawning. Arthur hummed a lullaby that he knew due to his mother doing the same with him when he was a young child. Within minutes, Tristan went to a nice, deep sleep.

He waited ten minutes before slowly getting up and placing Tristian in his crib and grabbed a teddy bear from the baby's prepared bag. Putting it between the baby's arms for him to cuddle in the middle of the night whenever he wants to.

Arthur got on his own and draped his blanket over him. Laying his head down and closing his eyes with a smile on his face. Finally the adorable tyke is asleep!
The next morning, Arthur woke up to laughter. He sat and yawned, stretching his arms before setting them down. He glanced towards Tristian and saw him wide awake, standing on his feet and watching something out of the window.

"Good morning! What's so funny?" Arthur asked, getting up slowly and walking towards him. Tristian smiled and pointed to a jester performing in front of a group of kids. The king picked him up and settled him on his hip.

"Want to go watch him?"

"Yah! Yah!"

"Okayy, but you will have to eat breakfast at the same time. Deal?"

"Awh, ah-kay."

The two put on sweaters and walked down to the kitchen, where the breakfast hall was already set up and filled with all types of food. He took a box of pancakes for him and some strawberries and yogurt for Tristian. They went outside and reached the group of kids there. Arthur sat down on the grass and placed Tristian on the ground standing, but not letting him roam free just yet.

"Hey Tristian, look at me," the baby does as he's told, "When I either snap my fingers or call your name, you come here to get your food. Understood?" Tristian nodded his head and opened his mouth, receiving the first mouthful of food for the day. He runs closer to the group, eating his food. Arthur watches while eating his own breakfast as the kids welcome him with open arms as they watch and interact with the jester together.

Whenever Arthur snapped his fingers, Tristan speeds over to get another mouthful of food. Soon enough, they both finished their breakfast. Arthur was about to lay down for a bit before someone called his name.

"Your majesty, someone by the name of Angel wants to contact you." A servant informed him.

Ah, this would make the baby happy. "Okay, thanks. -to Tristian- Hey Tristian! Mama wants to see you." Tristian's ears perked up and he ran at full speed towards Arthur, holding his arms up. This got a chuckle out from Arthur, who complies and holds the child, following the nurse to the hologram showing Angel looking bored and Meliodas looking rather peaceful.


Meliodas looked towards the path of the sound and smiled when he saw Tristian waving at him. "Heyyy baby, hi. Mama misses you so much. How are you doing?"

"Good! Good!" Tristian giggles out, clapping his hands.

This makes Meliodas a lot happy, he never saw his child that happy before. Comes to show how toxic Zeldris really is. Speaking of the fella, "Has this Zeldris guy been to Camelot before?" Angel asked. Arthur nodded his head, arching an eyebrow.

Angel grimaced briefly, "Well...maybe it's best if he goes somewhere else. Where Zeldris would never think to look. At least for now. Also, give him something from his bag that apparently helps hide his spirit or whatever. At least according to our Mel here."

Tristian whined softly in protest, making Meliodas feel bad even more, "Aww. I know darling, but you got to be somewhere your father can't find you. I need you to stay alive, alright?" The little one nodded his head. Everyone noticed how gloomy things were getting so they change subjects and chat with the baby until it was time to go.

"Bye Tristian, I love you and one day, we will meet in person again." Meliodas says, waving.

Tristian waves goodbye back as the screen disappears. Arthur rubbed his eyes with a free hand before heading towards the staircase back to his room.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to pack and get ready to move once again, huh Tristan" Arthur says to the child.

Tristian yawned briefly before answering back with,"Mhmm."

"Let's get to it then."

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now