Chapter 22

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"Wha...What do you mean? M-My name is Jason!" Meliodas stammered out. But he could see in her eyes that she doesn't believe him, not one bit. He decided not to push it and gave up with a sigh. One of his hands reached the back of his head and scratched at it a bit. His bright eyes burned through Marie to see if she could be trusted.

She can be trusted.

Meliodas starts whispering, "Fine...your right. My name is Meliodas, not Jason. I'm running away from...some people. I rather not elaborate on the situation for now, I'm not ready. But I can't be caught and I need your help. I apologize for lying to you Marie, really, I mean it. However, I want to know if you will keep this between us. Please..." Marie looked at him for a long time.



Marie sighed also and decided at last,"....fine...I accept your apology and I will help you." It made Meliodas thrilled at her answer, hugging her tightly. She chuckled a bit but shooed him off. But after a while, Meliodas' mood changed to something much more somber. Marie noticed this and looked concerned,

She placed a hand on a shoulder of his, "Meliodas...are you okay? What's the matter..?" He looked up at her and smiled, "It's nothing...there are some people that I'm running away, who are dear to me. I miss them a lot." This confused the girl, why wouldn't he go back if he misses them? Why is he running away?

"I believe I know of what your thinking, Marie. All I will add is that we got into a..situation." Ah, okay. She's starting to understand a bit of the situation, somehow, she came to the conclusion that Meliodas is talking about a lover.

She politely yawned and got up, "Well! It was spending time with you again. If you ever want help or have someone to talk to, I'm always here for you...I mean it. Goodnight and sweet dreams." With that, she got off his favorite tree and left. Meliodas stared blankly at the stars again, but this time, with the return of tears streaming down his face.

He misses his son and his ex lover, Angel. Mel remembers what he felt years ago, that his son and partner are the only two reasons of why he's still living. He lost both of them, so why is he still here?! Why...just...why? Meliodas couldn't help but growl in frustration at himself.

There were times where he wished Elizabeth was alive, but that would mean he wouldn't have been able to meet Angel and have his son. His eyes spotted a bright, green leaf from a branch. His hand reached for it and plucked it out of the branch it was attached to.

"This represents me and my son separating...again."

He bends it in half with his thumb and index finger.

"Me getting weak but still holding strong."

He takes his other hand and uses them both to rip the leaf apart.

"When I reach my..breaking point."

Sounds of rustling in the bushes caught his attention and his eyes looked at the one that was the most active. Meliodas slowly climbed down the tree and walked over. Before he could say anything, a young but tall boy jumped out of that bush, sword out.

That person growled, "Who are you? Why were you standing right behind me? You know, I could kill you!," the man advanced slowly toward a now frightened Meliodas, "Tell me...where am I?" Meliodas' mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say or think of this man. As he glanced more at the one before him...he noticed something.

The hair color.

The eyes.

The necklace.

"Wha...Tristian?" As soon as those words came out his mouth, he gasped in shock and cslammed his mouth shut, covering it with his hands as he runs away to who knows where. Leaving the equally as shocked boy behind him.

Meliodas messed up.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now