Chapter 28

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Three days after Tristian left and the events from the last chapter....

Merlin and the other sins were silent but relaxing on Mama Hawk as they traveled through the tropical forest of Hispaniola, observing nature in this light. Some lady who was on vacation from working in the Camelot kingdom, told Merlin before the sin left, that there's someone on the island. Who seem to resemble the person SDS was looking for. Merlin just hopes that the girl is correct and that the captain is found.

Hawk was lightly snoring away when the door to the Boar Hat opened, revealing a man with orange hair, purple eyes and a bright smile. Merlin whipped her head to the door in alert, but soon calmed down and shook her head instead. "You should be resting. You need all the energy and strength that you can get." The man chuckled lowly and walked closer towards Merlin.

"I'm sure your going to say, 'I mean it Arthur.' aren't you?" The now recovered king asks his teacher. Merlin snorted and rolled her eyes, "Fine. Doesn't matter. You wouldn't listen to me if I say no, anyway." Arthur giggled and smiled brightly, giving her a thumbs up. "Got that right! You know me sooo well!" Right after he said that, Mama Hawk came to an abrupt stop. They were here.

On cue, Hawk woke up while both Ban and King stood up, stretching and yawning slightly. Merlin looked straight ahead at a certain lake, not blinking at all. Not even for a second. Arthur became quiet and serious as well. Waiting for him.

The man people have been looking for.

Merlin suddenly started flying(yes, she can fly in this story)and signaled everyone to follow her. At nearly the same, everyone made it to a certain spot at a certain lake. Right when a man appeared.

Not again! First it was Tristian and now it's the sins. How did they manage to find him? Why are they here for? Meliodas was nervous but fuming at the same time. "Hello Meliodas, we're not leaving until we bring you home or you tell us why you vanished for so many years. Your choice." Merlin said firmly. Not taking 'no' or 'go away' as an immediate answer from the sin of wrath.

But boy does he live up to his title.

"You guys just had to go find me and disturb my peace, huh! I never asked or wanted to be found, alright?! It seems like YOU block heads can't seem to get it through your brain! Buzz off and LEAVE ME ALONE!" Meliodas screeched in fury. But Merlin, King and Arthur could see right through his anger.

Meliodas is hurt and afraid.

Maybe the reason he left was he felt unworthy of being with his family and that he wants to protect them from himself.

However, if that was the was utterly stupid. Especially with the consequences of how other people felt when he was gone.

Arthur took a short but deep breath and slowly walked towards the man he idolized for so many years. Once he reached Meliodas, he immediately pulled the other into his arms, hugging him close and taking any risk that might come out of this. Since Meliodas is still, at least hopefully, for now.

"'s okay. We forgive you and we love you so much. You don't have to be afraid anymore..and take on this burden. All of us are Let us take some of them for once. Everything will be us, Mel. Trust us." Meliodas stood still and silent for a while, the impact of Arthur's words hitting him right to his core. Maybe he's's time to let go and start setting himself free.

The blond man slowly fell to his knees and placed his hand on his forehead, with some of fingers roughly clutching a small bundle of strands of his hair. He looks down at the ground with a blank stare, tears streaming down his face.

"Help me...Help me... Help me..."

Everyone walked over to their broken captain and kneeled down next to him, gathering in a group hug with the man in the center of it all. Merlin laid her head on the top right side of Meliodas's head. "It's okay, we will help you...just breath now, captain.....there you go, yes...a few more...good job," everyone pulled away except for Merlin, who turned to them, "I will stay here with Meliodas. I have implanted the ability to speak this land's language. So go and find him some food to eat. You guys do have money just in case, right?" Everyone nodded their heads.

Ban gave a little wave and gestured King to join him, "Us two will find food to put together as a 'main course' meal." Arthur sat on Hawk's back, with the pig briefly cussing him out, "Me and Hawk will look for desserts and drinks." Merlin smiled a bit and looked back at Meliodas. Who stopped crying but is still looking at the ground, this time, in a shy fashion.
Everyone ended up having something to eat along with Mel. After everyone ate and fully relaxed, most of them turned to at Meliodas, while Ban and Hawk kept on dosing off. After two minutes of silence, once again, it was Arthur who cleared his throat and asked him this.

"It's time to answer, Meliodas. Why did you leave?"

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now