Chapter 4

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Wind whistling through the now, ocean blue sky. As the morning is turning into the afternoon. Angel has been flying with Hawk for about an hour now, but he's kinda annoyed once again, due to Hawk videotaping everything.

"..we then met with Arthur, who showed us a picture of Meliodas in order to show this oblivious guy why me and Arthur called him the other idiot's name! Angel, say hi!"

"Shut up."

Hawk playfully pouts, but prepares to put the camera away in his bag, "Well..I got to go now! This is Hawk signing off!" Suddenly, the pig shrieks as the camera slips through his hooves and starts falling down.

"Get it Angel! Get it! Get it! Get iiiiiittttt!"

Angel bursts out laughing, but gets the camera anyway. "That is the DIRECT RESULT, piggy. Next time, you shouldn't film anyone or just anything for no reason."


"No buts....huh?"

A humongous bolder flies through the air and crash into the pair as quickly as it came. "Owwooooooooooo, nooooooooooo, heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllp!" By the time slow as hell Angel recovered, Hawk was already gone to who knows where.

He blinked once.


Three times.

Then he looked looked at his empty arms and finally grasp of what happened, "Dang...piggy got it tough. -winces- But shit! My shoulder hurts." Distant childish laughter could be heard, along with many 'booms' and crashes.

"Ahhhhh, it's the giant clan... well, I don't see any adults from here soooo.... -sends a zap and hears screams, then a 'splat.' Seeing smoke coming out- That should take care of things. Now what should I do..." Angel pondered and then shrugged, deciding to just go forward and let the entertainment come to him.
"Mel, come here now." Zeldris called out. It took a minute but Meliodas appeared with Tristan slowly trotting behind, tried and failed to keep himself out of his father's view. Zeldris smiled 'lovingly' towards the baby and got up, walking over to pick him up. Settling him onto his hip. He gestured to Meliodas to take a seat at the table he was at, following suit with the blond, soon after.

Zeldris sat down and settled a warily Tristian in his lap. "Mel...let's play a game," he proposes while pressing soft kisses in Tristian's hair, "If you can make an offer. If you lose, I will get to make a choice. Okay?" Meliodas took a minute to think. Maybe Zel would let him go outside on his own again, make love to him or better yet... set him free. Without thinking of the cons, Meliodas nodded his head. Wincing briefly at his son's worried and disappointed face expression.

Tristian knows this isn't going to go well, he only wishes that mama knew it too.

"Okay, here is how it will go! I will ask a series of questions. Around ten or so, to be exact. If you get one right, everything is fine. But if not, I cut one of your fingers off." Zeldris explained gleefully.

Meliodas gulped worriedly, but he can't back out now.

Zeldris yawned for a bit before starting, "Question one. Who were the first people I kill."

"My village...,who were family to me."

A eerily smile is plastered on Zeldris's face, "Good job. Question two. When I first took you in, were you being good or bad at first?"

Damn, that was a long time ago, "Uhhh....good?"

Cut! Splat! Drip...Drip...Drip..

Meliodas screamed.

"Do you love Tristian?"

"Yes! Owwwww!"

"Do you love your village?"

"Yes, no! I mean...ahhhh, owww. -tears started streaming down Meliodas' face- more."

"Hehe, sorry Meli. You agreed to my terms. Anyways, question five. Are you ever going to leave me?"



"Good. Will you spend more time with me?"


"Will you ever love anyone else?"

No...he won't.

"Are you ugly?"

...Yes, as ugly as a monster."

"Are you worthy of love?"

Zeldris grins when Meliodas shook his head. Meliodas thinks he's nothing, just a waste of space. That he's lucky to have someone as 'extraordinary' and powerful as Zeldris. Even if he treats him like crap, which he fumes about whenever he thinks back on those memories.

"Now...the last you love me?"


"Meliodas, do you love me?"

"...-clears throat-..."

Zeldris eyes turned blood red again. Welp, this took a turn real fast.

"Do. You. Love. ME?!?"

"...I-I...I already answer this question countless times, like the others.."

In a blink of an eye, Meliodas's right hand, that was injured, disconnected from his body and flung towards the brick wall by his bed with a hard splat. Blood poured out, with his arm showing some bones and pinkish, squishy things as well along the way. Meliodas was frozen like a statue, he didn't even feel the pain because of the shock he felt. The blond only snapped out of it when he felt tears soaking into right leg, looking down only to have his heart broken when he sees his baby sobbing his eyes out. Frightened.

Before leaving the room and closing the door, Zeldris announced, "Since you lost... here is what I will do. In two weeks.."

Meliodas's face turned as white as his body can get at the next few words.

"Your precious Tristan will be executed. He's a nuisance and a distraction."

Slam! Lock!
Angel laid down in the sand on a pearly white beach, his eyes close as he sighs in pleasure. This is nice, all peace and quiet...what? Eyes flew wide open and turned black as Angel clutches his chest, now grunting in pain. A voice is telling him that something is wrong.

"S-Someone, is in t-t-tr-tro-troub-trouble!"

He soon passes out from the pain
After patching his arm up with the missing hand as good as he can, he had a now sleeping Tristian in his arms, rocking him and kissing all over his face lovingly. If you were to look at his eyes, you would be scared. They're set on what he's about to do. His remaining hand rakes through his baby's hair, "No way am I going to let you sacrifice yourself for me. You deserve to be alive more, my love. Don't worry, when we can..." He sighs and clenches his eyes tight in anger and determination.

"We will get out and be free, once and for all. I promise you."

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now