Chapter 33

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Meliodas took out a knife he found while being taken in this room and had hidden it in his shirt sleeve. Once it was slid out and held tightly, was when the blond dashed forward for an attack. Zeldris easily dodged the first one but not the second. Wincing when Meliodas sliced his right knee and stab his left thigh. He pushed his weapon in and used it as leverage when he jumped and slightly leaned backwards. Giving his captor and brother an upper cut kick on his throat.

His hand recklessly pulled the knife out as he slid backwards to a safe distance, staring blankly at his opponent. Who's eyes were bulging as he held his throat, gasping for air. The sin soon started to run in a circle, wanting to land a hit on Zel from behind. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he now slowly approached the target.

'Got you!'

He got his knife into position and ran for it...only to be trapped by the neck in Zeldris' tight grasp. "Ack! Arrrgh!" Zeldris turned his head slightly to the left to glare at his captive. "You made a grave mistake...remember, if I can't have you..then no one can. I will rewrite this world into my own image," Meliodas started screaming as he was soon engulfed in red fire and painful electric bolts were sent throughout his body, "I will first have to get rid of anyone who gets in my way. Which now includes you." With that, he made a powerful throw, making Meliodas fly and crash into the golden throne. Slowly slumping down until he landed on the ground.

The new demon king slowly walked towards his, already taking out his own sword. "Oh Mel, I have to admit, you look so beautiful like this...I'm very tempted by this." Meliodas growled at him, choking here and there.

"An-And I'm very disgusted w-w-with you. Out of everyone you could've fallen in love with, y-you chose me? That's nasty." Meliodas managed to seethed out, disgusted. Zeldris only laughed when he stood right in front of the battered blond. The sword in his hand twirled around until he quickly turned the sharp tip to face Mel.

Zeldris gave a shrug and slid his sword right into Mel's left shoulder, loving the sound of skin ripping, blood dripping and agonizing screams from the one below him. "That wasn't your mindset when we had sex for the first time." Meliodas huffed heavily as his anger increased, green eyes soon turning into black.

"That wasn't me back then. You abused and took advantage of me, you sick, crazy bitch."

Now Zel didn't like that kind of talk.

Unless if it comes from him, of course.

SMACK! Slam!

Zeldris took ahold of Meliodas and started doing a series of slapping Mel's face with all his strength, slamming his body against and (soon) punching his chest and neck with all his might as well. Blood squirted out and started flying everywhere, blow after blow after blow. The demon king never took out his sword from the blond's shoulder either, so that helps him with causing Mel more pain.

After a while, Zeldris stopped for a bit. He squatted low enough so that he can easily go into a sitting position. "I remember these past two months as clear as day..."

Green eyes opened and immediately started to dart around, taking in the surrounding. "Ah, I guess I'm back home, huh." Meliodas said hoarsely. The back on his neck was still sore from when he was knocked out. The blond still couldn't believe that the person who he thought he could trust was actually...wait, why is he naked and now sore on his ass?

"So... your awake. Finally. Welcome home."

Meliodas sharply looked up only to see Zeldris sitting on the throne in front of him. "What did you do to me..?" He asked lowly, eyes glaring at the lunatic who only smirked in return. Zel shrugged and tried to act coy, "I don't know what you're talking about. Not even a hello to me? How sad.." Meliodas repeated the question again, not going to accept the front his brother is putting on. This time, Zeldris answered.

"I used my favorite toys on you...and touched... that."

Meliodas blushed angrily, eyes piercing through Zel's soul, "You basically molested me! You sick fuck! Just wait till I find a way to escape this, I will fucking kill you!" Zeldris chuckled and shook his head. "That wasn't the mindset your...tool was thinking. Dare I say, you liked it." Meliodas mentally gagged.

"What is it with you people and creatures alike, with thinking this sort of thing! Just because our dicks are alerted when touched, doesn't always mean us males like of what some males and females are doing! I...I don't even know what to say, except that I wish you and anyone else who does these things, even once, no matter who you just die." Zeldris raised an eyebrow at that statement.

He sat up on the chair and leaned forward a bit. "So...if I was a girl and did this....would you still wish for the same thing?" Meliodas nodded his head. Which made Zel snicker. "Even if it's someone you like or that you're with romantically." Meliodas rolled his eyes at these questions.

"Of course, it's all about consent. If someone says no, then no. You don't force yourself on them. I wouldn't hesitated to kill a woman if she was found doing this disgusting act on someone. You gotta take in what you fished out. Now that I think about this...I believe I now understand why male victims who's violators are women are afraid to report their incidents. It's sad..."

Zeldris sat silently, not saying a word, not even taking another intake of air. Why would he? He's a demon after all, just like Meliodas. Everything was so quiet that the two can even hear pin drops and distant chatter from another room. The blond does have a point, but the new king didn't have the patience to entertain this conversation even further. He has work to do.

Eventually, Zeldris got up and stretched his body a bit with a bored yawn. He then slowly trotted to the chained up Meliodas. Once he reached the blond, he squatted down. "What do you want now?" Mel groaned out, annoyed. Zeldris shook his head with a smile.

"Let's begin your physical and psychological torture, shall we my dear?"

Meliodas 'peed' his pants.

End of Flashback...

"Is that something you still believe, Meliodas? That women should be killed just like men if they committed a horrendous crime such as sexual assault or rape?" He wasn't surprised when the blond nodded his head as fast and clear as he could. Finally, Zeldris took ahold of the hilt of the sword and removed the bloody weapon from Meliodas's shoulder. Only to give the other side the same treated.

Meliodas screamed and moaned in agony as Zeldris pushed it in as far as he could.

"No, No...I'm not done with you, yet."

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now