Chapter 12

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The next morning...

Meliodas woke up to a warm and comforting pair of arms wrapped around him. With his eyes still closed, he turns his face into the fabric of a shirt and smells lavender and peaches. A smile stretched on his face, recognizing the person as Angel. His lover seems to know that the blond woke up, since he cupped a cheek and brought Mel's face to his in form of a sweet kiss.

"Good morning, brat." Angel says lovingly.

Meliodas snorted and gave Angel the middle finger, mumbling, "Good morning asshole." He opened his green emerald eyes and playfully 'glared' at the white haired demon. Angel stick his tongue out, chuckling as Meliodas did the same thing. Angel used the same hand that was on Mel's cheek to move it up and comb his fingers through the latter's hair gently.

Angel couldn't help himself and gave Mel another kiss, with the blond eagerly accepting it, sighing into him, feeling like he melted into a puddle. Angel pulled back a minute later, holding one of Meliodas's hands into his own, "How are you feeling...was that sleep helpful?" Meliodas softened his excited look and nodded slowly.

"Of course, and thank you for helping me go through that. I really appreciate it, just like I always appreciate you. I know... it will take some time for me to truly heal and get over all of this, b-but I think I can get there. If I have all you guys by my side." Angel continued to stay silent, suspecting that Meliodas has more to say than what he shared with him.

He guessed right, his thumb rubbed Meliodas's hand in a comforting manner, silently urging the other to go on and let everything out, "I am so glad that I'm in the aftermath of that horrible moment helped me to actually think. Angel...I have a question for you."

"What is it, my love?" Angel hummed out, smirking when he saw Meliodas blushing a little bit. The blond cleared his throat loudly before asking, "If your family wasn't in the right mind and did a lot of bad things to you, who comes off as a threat...should you kill them when you get the chance?" Angel raised an eyebrow and thought about it hard.

After another minute, he gave his 'famous' shrug, "Well..I mostly like would've if that was my brother, Miracle. That is, if I never left my kingdom and came to this world. I still have my mean and sinister streak, yes, but it's not as bad as before. However, I think that there is a chance for Zeldris to be saved, somehow. But it's all up to you, Meliodas. I would try to offer him some help and try to 'understand' him in a way. If he's being defiant or just plain bitchy, then end him. Actions speak louder than words most of the time, Mel. Don't you forget that saying, understand me?" Meliodas nodded, appreciative of the advice Angel had gave him.

"By the way, you should talk with that King, guy. When you lashed out and had your moment, you got him scared and feeling very guilty." That surprised Meliodas and his hearts pained with his own guilt. "Sure thing, let me go now, then." Angel nodded and let him lose.
King stood up quickly and caught the captain just in time before the blond collided with him purposefully. "Hey King! Let's talk, yeah?" Meliodas asked cheerfully. The fairy was confused but nevertheless nodded his head, getting up to follow the sin of wrath to another room. Once they reached there, Meliodas gestured to King to take a seat, which the other complied to.

"Alright...well, I want to apologize for the other day. Though I was going through something, that wasn't cool of me to freak out on you like that. I apologize, King. Also, I'm feeling better to the point that I can tell what happened. But...give me some time, yeah?" King nodded his head, smiling. The two shook hands and went their separate, for the time being.

As Meliodas goes back to his room and cuddle with Angel more, he took a deep breath and felt pretty confident and good so far. He can trust them, they're his family and mostly never done him wrong. It will just take some time.

He can do this, he can definitely do this.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now