Side Story #1: Desired

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(Note: I will post the next chapter either on either Friday or Saturday, but wanted to give you guys yet another treat, so here you go :D. This story takes place in the "future." It might or might not happen, not confirming anything, hehe. To be honest, I don't remember if Tristian's hair color was revealed, if it was, I kind of forgotten, my bad.😅. But now I will make his hair color officially dark brown with caramel colored highlights( part of Meliodas's hair color shining through.) Don't worry, his eyes are still black.)

Fiona was fuming, where was Tristian when she needed him?! When she was just about to give up and take off the bronze ring with pearls on her finger, her fiancé finally came back. Bursting through the door, out of breath.

It didn't matter that he was tired and wearily, she was having none of it, "Where were you, Tristian! It's literally six in the evening!"

"I was only gone for..."

She sharply held up a hand, "I don't give a flying fuck! Your literally good for nothing! I don't know why I said yes to marry you. Your ugly, your irresponsible...."

Tristian's eyes turned cold. His eyes quickly locked with hers in warning.

"Watch it, Fiona...your acting just like my-"

"You are a waste of space."



"Give me the ring, or else I will take it by force. Remember our agreement, it's technically mine until we get married. Well, I don't want to anymore. Don't try to get me into any trouble with the kingdom. Not only do I have documents as proof of ownership, but I have proof that you were unfaithful to me, twice...wanna see?" Tristan seethed out.

From this moment Fiona knew, she fucked up, "No! I'm sorry, honey, please! Give me another chance."

"Give it!" He yelled out.

She still pleaded with him, even went on her knees, "Nooo, please! I'm sorry!"

"Fine...the hard way." Tristian roughly grabbed her right wrist, using his other hand to hold her hand open with fingers apart as he yanked the engagement ring off of her. Once he was sure that it was safely put in his pocket, he waved his left hand around, making her luggage of all her stuff appear and packed.

Fiona sobbed and yelled as he dragged her and her stuff towards the exit, throwing them both out into the pouring rain. "And stay out." He growled. The door was soon locked and Tristian went to flop himself on the couch, sighing. It took some time for Tristian to really let go and allow the tears stream down his face.

Fiona is the female version of his father, but without the physical violence.

Only a few people, beside his mother and 'relatives,' accept him for who he is and his sexuality. Nobody else. When it came to love, barley anyone wanted anything to do with him. It's either his sexuality, color of his eyes or when it's revealed that he's a demon, that drives people away in disgust. When he found Fiona, he thought that she was the love of his life.

Boy was he wrong.

The moment her lips locked with someone else's, that her tongue slide and twirled with somebody else, it was over. But he still had hope. Stupid hope, that is. But he's not that innocent either. Other than feeling guilty for her cheating, Tristan believes that her founding out that Andrei was his childhood crush and that he's still crushing on him, made her extremely suspicious. Basically, he committed adultery by looking at someone else in a way that should only reserve for his partner.

"Tristan, open this door buddy. I heard the news.."

Great. That one person he didn't want to think so much about at the moment, was here. Tristan cleared his throat and wiped his face. He waved the same around and the door is magically open.

"Alright...come in."


Andrei soon was standing in front Tristian, who was still sitting on the couch and looking up at him with an eyebrow raised. 'Aw, cute. But you won't make me drop this.' He went on his knees and cross his arms, face expression matching the demon's. Tristian dropped his act immediately, he didn't have time for games so he went straight to the point.

"You don't need to do this. I'll be fine."

"Yeah, sure. Red eyes and tear tracks on your cheeks is the same thing as being fine." Andrei retorted, rolling his eyes. Nonetheless, despite getting annoyed by Tristian's stubbornness, his look and voice soften. "Okay...look. It's okay to reach out to people you trust. Actually, it's highly encouraged. Not all things are meant for us to deal with on our own, Tristan." His hands were placed on the sitting man's knees.

Tristian shakily sighed and his eyes were everywhere except on Andrei, at least for a moment. But one of the hands left his knees and were placed on one of his cheeks instead. That got Tristian to snort, "I thought this would consider to girly and corny for you."

"Oh dear, I messed up, didn't I? Tristan...I was just hiding. My feelings...and my sexuality. You see," he brought Tristian's now surprised face closer to his, "I love you...I desire you. For a long time now. I just didn't want to but in when you was in a different relationship. It would highly inappropriate and disrespectful. So...once you feel ready and take some time to grieve and sort things out...would you think about giving me a chance?"

".......," Tristan was absolutely speechless, " serious?"

Andrei chuckled, "Yes babe. I'm dead serious. Remember, I love you and I desire you."


That isn't something he had felt. At all, especially when he was with Fiona. Love is one thing, but desire is a whole other ball game. Someone can love you in many ways, or not at all, that's also a possibility. But not everyone would desire you. Tristian's heart fluttered and things started to get real hot for some reason. But he didn't care.

Instead, he brought Andrei close and held onto him for dear life.

"Yes, I will give you a chance. I don't think I can let you go that easily now. I have been crushing on you ever since I came to this place and met you."

Andrei pulled back slightly in surprise, "For real?"

"For real, my love." Tristan whispered lovingly.

The two laughed breathlessly, closing their eyes and moving even closer, rubbing this nose together before resuming back to their loving and steamy embrace. Andrei seems to love him, like a lot.

Tristan just hopes that he's finally with the true love of his life.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now