Chapter 8

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(Originally posted on November 1, 2020 at 12:39am,made some changes to things that I thought I actually did but I actually didn't do, my b. 😅)


"You heard me."

Meliodas furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think of something, "Well...I'm good at cleaning and preparing food."

"So your proud of, or like that you can clean and cook? It's a basic thing, but oh well, it's something," he gives a firm stroke to Meliodas's penis as reward, "give me another one."

Angel clearly sees that Mel is struggling, ", I-I don't know?! I guess...I'm good at...oh Angel, I don't know! I can't think of anything."

The demon takes ahold of Mel!s face and turns it to face the mirror, silently commanding Meliodas to look at himself. "Alright...I will say some things that I found in you, repeat after me using first person language." The blond nodded his head, looking straight into his own eyes through the mirror.

"You're beautiful, you're loved and you're desired." Angel stays, fingers barley touching his penis.

"You're beautiful, you're loved and you're desired."

Angel shook his head, "First person Mel. You, you are beautiful, loved and desired. Say it." He starts stroking him again as 'encouragement' in a way.

"I'm...beautiful," Meliodas starts to choke up, I'm loved, I'm desired."


"I..I, I really can-"

Angel uses his free hand and arm overall, to pull Meliodas closer to him, basking the man on his comforting warmth, "Of course you can, baby. Stay with me now. Say it again, Meliodas."

"I-I'm beautiful, I'm loved, I'm...desired." Meliodas shudders as he whispered the last one.

Angel kisses the shell of his ear, "And many other things. This is coming from someone you only knew for months, that shows how unique and special you are."


"Yes, baby. Special. Now, say this. You're smart, you're kind, you're brave."

Meliodas's eyes started to well up even more and his vision getting blurry from tears as a broken whine escapes his lips. 'Th-This is too much, why is he making me doing this?' But alas, he listens. "I'm smart. I'm kind. I'm...brave."

Angel rewards him by stroking harder and faster, already feeling the other's release coming soon."Especially brave, not everyone would be able to successfully pull of what you have done. Say them again."

"I'm smart...," Meliodas gasp and gulps, finally seeing what Angel sees. But it's difficult for him to accept it, "I'm k-k-kind. I'm brave."

"Now say all those together, love. You can do it, your almost there. Doing so good for me, saying those words and continuing to look at your breathtaking self in the mirror." He sees tears flowing down Mel's face and his lips wobbly just a bit.

Meliodas takes two deep breaths to prepare himself. He truly looks at his face and body for the first time with a new perspective. Though it was difficult, Meliodas has finally sees his beauty. Now, all that's left to do, is to release the hurt and the painful past.

"I'm beautiful.. I'm loved...I'm desired... I'm smart...I-I-I'm kind," his voice pitch turns into a squeak as he now trembles violently. Not being able to hold back any longer, "I-I...I'm braaaave." Meliodas almost slid down the pool and collapse as he sobs harshly as cum squirts out from him, hiccuping or coughing here and there. Angel hums soflty, milking out his now softening dick. Tears drenching most of Mel's face as his eyes turn red from the burning release of sadness. Angel secures his hold on him once the release was done.

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now