Chapter 32

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Tristian has been riding around aimlessly, the aura he's using to track the sins suddenly started to move around a while ago. It's been hard for the boy to stay focus when he keeps having all of these thoughts in his mind. Ever since he first witnessed his mother being abused, his goal was to free that parent he loves so much from suffering. If he could, Tristian would gladly be the one who takes the burden and pain from his mother's shoulders. That and the fact that he's going out of his way to save him, comes to show how much Tristian loves Meliodas.


The breaking of a twig under the horse's feet brought Tristian back reality. Everything seems to be rather...peaceful, in a way. That is something the boy wished that he can have forever, but never will gain it. Black eyes suddenly noticed a particular nest that he and Mel made years ago(even he doesn't know how he could remember that memory). What is that doing here and how did it end up battered on the ground? Are the birds okay? Tristian became alert as he noticed the dark, sad leaves on both the ground and the trees. He notices the road, the long, narrow road that has scattered rocks and markings. No way that he could be here...that they could be here.

The place of his birth.

Tristian felt a bit cold, making him slither his hands in the opposite shirt sleeve. Looking like he's slightly crossing his arms in a way. "So the nature scientist lied to me, hmph. He said that this week should be warm and sunny. Not cold and...partially cloudy. The boy spotted the building and walked right up to the door. He slowly raised a hand and knocked on it several times, but no one answered. He tried again, but a bit harder. Which resulted in the door being pushed open. one bothered to lock the door.

Slow and careful feet took quiet steps inside the building, re-familiarize the feeling of the chestnut brown hardwood floor. The pearl railings and stairs as two shaky legs went up. The same black eyes scanning each room and detail, taking in the age of everything over the past sixteen or so years.

"Hello? Is anyone here....hello?"


"Tristian? Is that's me, Merlin. I'm here."

Tristian looked behind him and saw the sin of gluttony standing there in the dark. Only a little bit of light illuminating her face and body. "Hm. Are the rest of the sins and piggy with you? I got something that I want to involves one of you..." Merlin peered at Tristian suspiciously. What could this boy want with one of them? Is he still upset? Tristian must've read her thoughts, for he let out a cackle.

After a bit, he calmed down and rubbed the tears on his eyes, "You're very funny. Yeah, I'm still upset. But I'm not here to pose any harm. If you must know who the person I am interested in, then fine. It's Hawk. He's able to do something that will be very beneficial to me." He explained.

Merlin glared at him briefly, still suspicious. "What are you planning Tristian?" The boy rolled his eyes twice. "I thought you guys had a clue, with what you failed to tell me this whole time until Arthur came." He hissed out, sending Merlin a glare of his own. Gold, cat like eyes widened at the realization. "Your not planning on going to the demon realm, aren't you?" She asked worriedly as Tristian slowly walked towards her. "Bingo! And you can't stop me, 'less you want me to hurt you. I'm stronger than you think, Merlin. All thanks to Arthur and my natural talent passed onto me by my parents. I guess that's the only thing I can thank that poor excuse of a father for." He says coldly, easily pushing past her when he reached the door. There, he found all the remaining sins eyes on him, including Hawks.

"H-H-Hey Tristian! What's...What's wrong? You're not looking too hot." The male pig stammered out as he trotted back, at the same time Tristian moved forward towards him.
In a blink of an eyes, the boy was gone, making everyone very cautious and afraid. Looking around wildly. Suddenly, Hawk's beady little black eyes widened when he felt a strong arm wrapping itself around his neck tightly.

Tristian leaned slightly down towards Hawk's ear, "You are going to get me to Purgatory or else you'll become my next meal. Now you don't want that, do you?" He asked cold but smoothly. Hawk shook his head no, "If...If that's what ya want, then I will help ya, promise!" Tristian smiled.

"Good...let's get.."

Merlin interrupted him, "No! Please, Tristian. We don't want to lose you." The demon snarled, "But your willing to lose my mother and not do a damn thing about it, not even telling me! Is that it, Merlin? Huh?! Shut your tramp and don't say another word or else you will really regret it! I promise you! Until years ago, you and your marching band only found out a fraction about what me and my mother went through. know what, I'm not going to waste my breath on you and any more minutes as well. I'm not getting those back in my life." Everyone was silent, shocked at how really pissed off Tristian is. He really is Meliodas and Zeldris son, huh. After taking a deep breath, Tristian turned his attention back to Hawk.

"Let's get going. We don't have anymore time to waste."

"Don't believe that anyone is going to save you Meliodas. You saw how easily those sins of yours gave up on you, they don't care at all."

Shut up! That's not true, you placed all of us in a horrible situation!

"Only after that Merlin threatened me, isn't it all fair game? Don't expect me to just let her speak the way she wants without consequences. Oh yeah, do you know how many people I had to kill to find you? How many towns and cities that I had to destroy? Here look, you see......this image is nearly covered in soot, with the air the exact same type as smoke from a fire."

Fuck you! I will kill you! You better let me go or else you will regret it!

"To be honest...I would love for you to fuck me, or the other way around. It's been years since we last had sex. But what is this about you killing me? Hahahahahahahaha, ohhh Mel, don't make me laugh. What can you do in your condition? Remember, you're all tied up. To be honest...I won't be surprised if that mistake comes down here to rescue you and your little cockroaches. I should've killed that child when I had the chance. He has outlived his purpose and lifespan, so...wait, what are you doing?! How did...WHAT?!"

(Smack! Whoooosh! Crash!)

"You will pay for that! But I don't want to kill you, Meliodas..."

So I get a free pass on killing you then? Without you doing anything? That's cool with me, since you just did that you don't want to kill me. If you interfere, you most likely will.

"That..That wasn't what I meant!"

Aww...I will admit, seeing you confused and hearing you stuttering is a little cute. But not enough to save you from your fate.

"My fate?"

Yeah, for torturing and molesting me for the past two months, bad mouthing everyone I love and daring to speak bad about my son. Your dead, Zeldris. Simple as that. Now...

"This is is, then. So be it, tried to save you..."

I'm going to kill you before you can even lay eyes on him.

I know this chapter was suppose to focus more on what Meliodas went through during the two month captivity, but I guess I couldn't help myself and forgot. Lol. I will make sure to add it in the next chapter or so as a flashback. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See ya, take care and stay safe! ^_^

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now