Chapter 11

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In the early afternoon...

Hawk, King and Ban were outside of the Boar Hat relaxing when the pig spotted something with wings in the sky, heading towards them. "Uhhh, you guys? Look up there!" The two looked to where Hawk 'pointed' at and their eyes widened a bit.

"It's a bird." Hawk later concluded with a shrug.

King seemed very excited for some reason, "It's a plane!"

"What in the name of the Supreme deity is that?!?" Hawk asked, puzzled. King shrugged with a chuckle and said that it just came into his mind. Once the figure became much more clearer, a wide and bright smile broke on Ban's face.

He laughed happily and opened his arms wide like he's giving a hug, "No! It's captaaaaaaiiiiiinn!" The other two heard a distant 'Baaaaaannn!' before they saw a crash into the Boar House and Ban too. Eyes started rolling playfully once they realized that it really was him, Meliodas. Hawk and King waited for the two friends to finish their iconic greeting while Angel and Tristian just look on with amusement.

"Kiiiing! Piggyyyyy!" Tristian screamed in excitement, he literally slithered out of Angel's arms and stood on his shoulder, using it as leverage to jump and do a back flip, landing on Hawk's back.

It caused the pig to fall on his stomach with an 'oomph!' sound. He grunted as he managed to get up, but with a struggle. "Jeez kid, your getting heavier than a bolder! What have you been eating?" Tristian rolled his eyes twice and raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Maybe you old." He says, shrugging. A snicker came out of him when he saw Hawk's mouth drop wide open, " You are Meliodas's son! He always insults meeeeee!" Meliodas giggles and nods his head proudly. King looks at Meliodas and asked him something that...he maybe shouldn't have asked just yet.

He clears his throat, "Captain.... what happened to you? Did Zeldris do anything?" Slowly, Meliodas's face turned from happy to shock, skin turned from a warm, healthy color to sheer white. Everyone suddenly became really worried when Meliodas's body starts to shake and his breathing becomes ragged and difficult to do. His hearts pound hard and loud in his chest.

"D-D-Don-Don't you dare ask me that, n-n-not ready! Oh nooo..." Meliodas voice cracked as he falls to his knees, crying loudly and coughing at the same time, making him wheeze whenever he tries to breath. His eyes were wide as saucers, looking at nothing but the ground, or so people think.

Instead, he's reliving the trauma he's experience with Zeldris.

Angel snapped out of his shocked state and zoomed over to Mel and picking him up, flying away to somewhere not far from the Boar Hat. But not before he tells Tristian to be good and stay out with the sins. Once the close was clear, Angel sat down on the grass and placed his lover in his lap, cradling him.

He leans down slightly and kisses Mel's forehead softly, lips lingering there for a few seconds. "Your fine's okay. I'm here, he's not. He will never hurt you again. Especially when I and your friends are around. I love you, Meliodas. I love you...don't cry. Breath with me," he sees Meliodas listening to him, "yes..yes...that's more...good. I'm so proud of you." Meliodas clenched his eyes tightly, listening to Angel's voice as he tries to control his breathing.

Once he calms down a bit, Meliodas slowly opened his eyes and glance at Angel, tears still filling and spilling from them. Angel's hearts ache at the sight, wanting nothing more to see his lover have a smile on his face again. He cups one of the blond's cheeks and kisses Mel's lips briefly. "He isn't here to hurt you, Meliodas, Zeldris can't control you anymore." Meliodas nodded his head, snuggling closer to Angel as he wipes his face with a hand at the same time.

"Th-Thank you, Angel. Let's just stay here for a bit, I think I will be okay because of you." Angel smiled softly and kisses Mel again, but much deeper, which made the blond sigh in content and pull him closer. The two pulled apart and laid there together, enjoying the calm, peace and quiet atmosphere as much as possible.

Early Evening...

Angel came back to the Boar Hat with a sleeping Meliodas in his arms, finally meeting Merlin, who just came back from Camelot. He entrusted her with Meliodas and gave her the sleeping sin to put to bed. Tristian saw him and ran over, showing him a drawing he had done.

"Look Mister Angel! I draw me, mama and you! Look! Look!" Angel chuckled, squatting down to the boy's level and taking the picture from him, looking it over. His free hand ruffled Trisitan's hair lovingly, "I like it..good job. Much better than what I could do, for sure. You can be one of the greatest artist ever when you grow up." That lit up Tristian's eyes and made them sparkle with delight.

The boy started jumping in place excitedly, "Really! Oh boy, that nice! Make my heart sweelll." Angel smiled gently, now smoothing back Tristian's hair, making it a bit neater again. He then said, "Hey buddy...mama is tired and I think it's time for you to get ready for bed. Would you like to come back home and sleep there, or get your night clothes and sleep here?" Tristian pondered on that a bit. He wants to be here in order to protect mama, but at the sam, he trust that the sins can take care of Meliodas and that Angel isn't a bad man.

"I-I will go wit you!" Tristan declared, jumping in Angel's arms. The white haired demon shrugged and positioned the boy in his arms correctly before flying off with him.
Meliodas woke up with a gasp, he looked around his surroundings and remembered that this is his room in the Boar Hat. His lips managed a weak smile as he whispered, "Hello old room, missed ya..." He could hear the other sins, his lover and child say goodbye to one another before the duo flew off, probably towards home.

As he's laying down in his bed, he could still feel the warmth of Angel's embrace from earlier. The now faint warmth of the kiss on his lips and rest of his face. Words of declaration of love, compliments and promise of protection still rang through his mind. Causing the smile on the blond's face to grow a bit wider.


Don't doubt it, yes, Elizabeth will always have a place in his heart. His love for her all these years and through many of incarnations were true. He can't really explain if someone ask him, but there's just something about Angel, other than him looking like him, and his behavior and personality...that just makes him feel a certain way. Maybe it's just an aftermath of all the abuse he had gone through with...him. Or it can be a sign that through his alternate self, he's finally loving himself at last.

Who knows.

But Meliodas does know that he has to fight these demons and fears within him in order to save not only his loved ones, but himself and sanity. He has two choices when it comes to all of this and more.

Either be spiritually and mentally revived or, in the words of angels when telling the story of Adam and Eve, go back the way the human vessel came into this world. Whether it's by dirt and the breath of life, or as a soul in shape of a small ball, from God.

What will Meliodas end up eventually choosing?

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now