Chapter 13

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A day later, everyone has gathered around when Meliodas called a group meeting...
Meliodas POV:

I can remember that it started when Elizabeth died a few years ago, I think. I was in such distress that I decided to do a spell and form a memory seal in my head. Why? Well, my hearts couldn't take in the pain it contained, at least that's what I thought. Also, I felt like I wasn't worthy of anything. Of you guys, since I couldn't even protect one of our own. Seemed like a month later...I ended up in this town and started a new life. The only thing I remembered when I sealed the rest was my name.

Basically, I formed a new family in that town, yeah... a new family. Things were great for a while but then one day, the town was attacked. I'm not really sure but I can remember myself feeling scared. When I saw Zeldris, however, I-I-I-I sealed the survivors' fate since he and his soldiers killed some people already, for no reason. I sealed their fates with this one question.

Are you Zel?

I knew something was weird and wrong when I saw that crazed smile and his eyes widening slightly before sparkling with delight. In a blink of an eye, everyone was gone. Especially this girl...who was a little sister to me, she was so pure and so young. Believe me when I say this, I fought hard for my freedom, for my...sanity. But unfortunately, I couldn't hold on.

I broke.

Maybe it was Zeldris succeeding, maybe it was the guilt being too much to the point that I just let my brother win. All I know is that I broke and became numb. Instead of being human, I 'died' and became a doll instead. Kind of like Gowther, but more...empty.

Zeldris did everything in the book. He stabbed me, cut off my limbs, beat me to a bloody pulp and raped me to his hearts contempt. All in the name of love, his version of love. He's hurting...he is hurting. Many times, did I see him slip up and show the sadness and pain in his eyes. I don't know his mind process but it seemed like this is his way of getting his attention with me. By taking advantage of me at my lowest point. When I was the most vulnerable.

From one of his raping moments, I conceived my son and eventually gave birth to him. I will be honest, I wish that he was conceived and born in better circumstances, but I'm just happy that I got him. He means everything to me.  For a long time, he has been experiencing nothing but pain. At the time, I couldn't do anything but just standby. It pained me to see Triatian's tears running down his face. No child should experience that much trauma, not for his age or at all in general.

The last time...before I decided to escape in order to give my child a better life, I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't care that for a while, I was missing a hand. My baby is crying his heart out and is spiritually dying. I would go through hell and back to save my flesh and blood. So I decided to leave.

It was hard, I admit, Zeldris broke down my self esteem so bad that I felt like no one would want me. Besides, I had no one except for him and Tristian. Everyone else, at least in my mind during the time, left me. By myself. I wasn't good or strong enough to keep them here by my side. I still have some healing to do and some damage control as well. What Zeldris has done cannot be reversed that quickly. He is a strong manipulator and can stick his influence deep in your to the point that it will be hard to shake them off.

When it comes to life, sometimes you will just have to face with hardships and challenges head on. Running and hiding from your problems won't do any good, instead, your just giving them time to get bigger and soon, impossible to defeat. Your biggest enemy that you will have to face at times or all the time, depending on the situation, is yourself.

Well, this is my story..or rather, explanation of what I went through. As long as I have you guys with me, I will be okay. So don't be sad and worry, put a smile on your face! Hehe!

Sorry for the delay of the chapter! School has been tripping sometimes, lol. I have a mini announcement to make. Not that big, don't worry. It's just that, for those who are interested or know this anime/manga, I created and published a one-shot story for Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm thinking that sometime in the future, I might do a fun crossover between these two, who knows. So feel free to check it out, it's on my profile where all my stories are published. Anyways, thank you so much for the love and support you guys have shown me. I appreciate it a lot! Take care and stay safe! ^^

Are you Mel (A sequel and continuation of "Are you Zel")Where stories live. Discover now